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The doorbell pierces through the mild silence of the house.

MiRae pauses her humming and turns down the heat of the stove before walking over to answer the door.

She cracks the door open to meet the kind face of an old friend.

"Joonie! What are you doing here? I thought you went to America with Sin Ae."

Namjoon sheepishly smiles and rubs the back of his neck.

MiRae eyes him suspiciously. "You lost your passport on the way didn't you.."

He chuckles. "You know me so well. Sin Ae almost didn't want to go without me but I insisted that she can relax a few days without her clumsy husband. I'll join her later once I find my passport. Probably in one of my bags." His dimples deepen as he smiles. She smiles back in silence before letting him step inside.

"I was just making some dumplings. Pork and watercress, like my mom used to make me as a kid." MiRae smiles proudly before checking on the food. Namjoon nods before taking a seat at the table. "Anyways, Jungkook isn't here at the moment if you wanted to meet him. He's out at work as usual."


"Namjoon?" MiRae turns her head to glance at him. She catches his strange look of confusion.

"Oh, he got a new job. Remember? I thought he told you..?" She pouts her lips in thought. Namjoon visibly gulps and nods.

"Mi Rae, how are you doing these days..?" Namjoon asks cautiously.

She furrows her brows at the topic change. "I'm great. My life is finally complete." She answers honestly. A smile resting on her lips that don't exactly reach her eyes.

Namjoon nods and clears his throat.

After a few minutes of silence, Namjoon stands.

"Ah I'm sorry MiRae, I have to head over to Jimin. His car broke down again." He looks at her apologetically. She nods sadly at her friend.

"Ah I see.. well I'll tell Jungkook you stopped by. Oh and say hi to Jimin for me." Namjoon envelops MiRae in a gentle hug and glances into her eyes.

"Take care of yourself okay..?" He says quietly. MiRae takes note of the swirling of concern in his eyes.

"Of course. And I have Jungkook with me too. You don't have to worry Namjoon, now go." She chuckles. Namjoon turns away with an uncertain look on his face. He bows and waves with a small smile before stepping out.


"Oh, come on.. please smile!" MiRae nudges Jungkook playfully. He whines and cuddles into the crook of her neck. She huffs and puts her phone down. MiRae pushes him away and crosses her arms angrily. He grins at the girl's pouting face.

"You look like an angry toad."

She snaps her head at him offended as he smiles victoriously. He watches his fiancée in awe as she continues her angry act. Jungkook sighs before rummaging through his pocket.

"Mi Rae~"

She turns her head curiously towards him to be startled by the flash of Jungkook's small camera he carries around. She blinks to adjust her vision from the sudden exposure of light.

"Yah! That's not fair.. I wasn't ready." MiRae pouts irritatedly. Jungkook laughs at the small screen on his camera.

"What are you talking about? You look adorable! Like a little dumpling." He smiles goofily. She puffs out her cheeks and pounces on him playfully. She giggles nonstop as she sits on top of him on the floor. He stares at her with wide amused eyes before they crinkle as he laughs.

"Ya know, I love you for this. You're not afraid to be yourself around me and act comfortably. You're perfectly weird." He says honestly with a look of adoration. MiRae smiles and rests her body against her lover's chest.

"You know what I love about you?"

He hums in interest as he glances down at her.

"You. I just love you." MiRae grins stupidly as he snorts.

"Any reason for that? What about me makes you love me?" He asks more seriously as he strokes her hair back.

She purses her lips as she remains in thought. "I guess your crazy is quite attractive."

He raises an eyebrow in a teasing manner. "My crazy? You see me as crazy?" He chuckles. She nods tiredly as she listen to Jungkook's heartbeat.

"Just a little bit crazy."

Month Three

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