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A scream loudly projects throughout the rooms as MiRae opens a wooden door covered in vines. A man dressed as a troll stands protectively, not letting her enter the room. Out of fear of the troll's growling, MiRae squeezes her eyes shut and balls her hands into fists.

"Mi Rae! What is it? Are you okay?" Jungkook appears at her side protectively, grasping her arms and pulling her into him. He relaxes and guffaws once he notices the lack of danger and the presence of the troll.

"Find me ye' golden pendant. Then I shall let ye' pass." The troll snarls in a forced accent.

Jungkook only laughs harder causing MiRae to furrow her eyebrows and hit his chest. He smiles like a bunny, melting her heart.

"Not funny! I really did get startled.. my heart is still racing." MiRae complains dramatically. Jungkook chuckles and cups her face lovingly.

"Don't be scared when I'm around. I'll always be here to protect you." He smiles and kisses her forehead tenderly.

"Ye' going to find me pendant or wha'?" The troll asks slightly annoyed by the couple's ignorance. They hurry off through the escape room to find the pendant in the process of giggling amusingly.


"Ah! That was so much fun! Let's do another one." MiRae hooks onto Jungkook's arm excitedly. He peers down at her and chuckles softly.

"We've already done 3 escape rooms today Mi Rae.. we can come back next week."

His fiancée pouts and releases his arm from her hold before crossing her own. He smiles charmingly at her and winks before striding down the hall towards the exit. Having no other choice, MiRae follows him as she whines childishly, earning weird looks from the other customers and employees in the building.


"Park Mi Rae, don't you dare!" Jungkook screeches as MiRae flinches toward him to push him into the lake. Her hysterical laughter is heard as her fiancé falls in by himself from unstable balance. A few people glance over at the scene in curiosity.

"Park Mi Rae, what's so funny?"

Naturally, MiRae turns around at the calling of her name. Blinking cluelessly before a smile widely appears on her features as she spots a familiar figure striding towards her with a squinting eye smile.

"Oppa!" She shouts excitedly and sprints towards the figure, being caught by him in the process.

"Ah, my little sister.." Jimin smiles and ruffles his younger sister's hair. "What are you doing over here alone? And what were you laughing at? Oh, are the ducks fighting again?" Jimin asks amusingly, peeking over MiRae's shoulder.

"What are you talking about? Jungkoo-" She furrows her eyebrows as she realizes Jungkook isn't in sight. "Jungkook?" MiRae asks questionably out to the lake, waiting to see her fiancé pop up from the water.

"Jungkook? MiRae.. he-" Jimin is abruptly cut short as he reaches for his sister's shoulders.

"Jungkook, this isn't funny! Where are you?!" MiRae shouts again, walking along the border of the lake. She turns around to face her brother. "Well? Are you going to help or not? He may of drowned!" She questions Jimin in a panicked state.

Jimin stares for a bit with an unreadable expression before a gentle smile takes over his features.

"Jungkook is the jack of all trades. He could never drown without a fight. I'm sure he just went off somewhere.." Jimin explains shortly.

"Ah.. then.. I'll see you later Oppa! I'm going to go find him. Bye! Stop by soon!" She smiles and heads off in a hurry to find her fiancé after briefly hugging her sympathetic looking brother.


"Jeon Jungkook! There you are!" MiRae spots the familiar figure and rushes toward it. Jungkook looks back at her and smirks. "Yah! You bastard, do you know how worried I got?" She huffs and cups his face, checking his body for any injuries like a worried mother fussing over her small toddler.

"Mi Rae. I'm fine.. Let's go home okay?" He sighs and pats her head as he stands from the bench.

She feels her lips tremble. "I really thought you drowned.. I'm sorry for laughing.." She apologizes quietly as her head droops. Jungkook's expression softens as he lifts her chin to meet her glossy eyes.

"Don't cry Jagiya.. I was just playing with you." He softly plants a kiss on her lips. "Do you really believe I could drown so easily?" He then asks curiously. MiRae sniffles and leans her head against his chest. "I guess so.." he chuckles. "Aw, my baby must've been so worried."

MiRae scrunches her nose and struggles in his arms as he hugs her tight. "Yah! Jeon you are soaking wet let go of me!" She squeals as he holds onto her and laughs mischievously.

"That's your punishment for laughing!"

Month Five

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