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"What is it..?" Jungkook chuckles in amusement as he catches hopeful eyes beaming at him. He takes a hand in his and places their hands on his thigh as he keeps his other on the wheel.

MiRae watches him in awe as he checks the road before making a swift turn with the vehicle. As they come to a red light, Jungkook turns to her and pecks her forehead tenderly.

She feels her face heat up as she whines in embarrassment. He gushes at the adorable reaction as he holds her hand to his face, sighing at the comfort of her touch.

"Anyways, what is it? I can tell you want to ask me something.." He glances at MiRae with droopy eyes as the traffic light turns green.

MiRae nibbles on her lip nervously and picks at the loose strands of her dress. She runs her thoughts through her mind several times before finally speaking up to her fiancé.

"I want to get my license." She blurts confidently. Her back slumps over as Jungkook side eyes the woman with a warning glare, slightly squeezing her hand as he places it back on his thigh. "O-only if you will let.. me." She quickly adds before he gets the wrong idea.

Jungkook sighs as he flips on the left blinker and pulls over.

Why can't I just keep my mouth shut..

MiRae's thoughts run wildly as she squeezes her eyes and looks down at her lap. Jungkook shifts his body towards the woman and leans over, his breath caressing the side of her face.

Her figure relaxes when he goes to press a small kiss to her jaw and sighs in uncertainty.

"You know I just want you safe-" MiRae peeks from behind her eyelashes and glances over to look at Jungkook's discouraged expression, eyes gloomy and brows downturned. "I don't know what I would do if I suddenly get a call.. T-that you got into.. an accident. I don't want any risk of that- I want you safe at home until I'm with you. I'm here to protect you.."

She smiles softly at him as her hand cups his face endearingly. She admires his deep brown eyes, spilling over with worry and affection. MiRae lets out a small breath as she smiles encouragingly.

"I know, Kook... I know. It was a stupid question.."

He smiles happily and squishes her face with his larger hands. MiRae whines in dismay as he giggles and backs away.

"Say.. how about I bring you somewhere exciting, hm?" He suggests earnestly as he merges back into the road. Pursing her lips, MiRae suppresses an emerging smile. Jungkook glances over at her slyly, knowing of her everlasting love for surprises.


"Kookie! Did you see that?" MiRae cheers to Jungkook out of genuine thrill after winning yet another race.

"I sure did babe! You're a natural." Jungkook smiles encouragingly, clapping his hands from the sidelines while she steps out of the go-cart.

She giggles from the praise as she takes off her helmet and takes a seat at the middle division of the track.

"Hey, you uh.. seem to know your way around the track." MiRae turns to an approaching voice. "It's quite impressive, I must say." A young man holding a helmet shines his gummy smile upon MiRae. She notices his bleached platinum blonde hair.

"Oh.. Oh! Thank you very much!" MiRae stands quickly to offer a polite bow and grin. The young man bows back, completely enamored with the woman.

"Say, I'm here often yet I haven't seen you around?"

"Ah, yeah.. This is my first time! Believe it or not. I cannot believe I haven't stopped by earlier! It's so thrilling." MiRae chuckles lightly.

"Well I hope to see you around more often then.." He states as he's hooked on her eyes. "Oh, uhm by the way, my name's Yoongi.. Min is my surname." Yoongi reached out his hand to shake MiRae's.

"Good to meet you, Yoongi." MiRae smiles back cheerfully before checking her phone. "Oh goodness! It's nearly dinner time.. I'm so sorry but I must get back home to cook.."

Yoongi nods and rubs his nape as MiRae gathers her things. "Very well, but uh.. are you perhaps free anytime soon? Maybe we could race some time.. get some dinner afterwards?"

MiRae freezes as she looks at the other. "Oh Yoongi, I appreciate your offer but I actually came here with my fiancé.. See?"

She turns to face the sidelines and waves where Jungkook watches Yoongi with a dark look. Jungkook notices MiRae and smiles back lovingly.

Yoongi quirks an eyebrow confusingly but nonetheless nods and accepts his rejection.

"Until we meet again, Min Yoongi!"

Month Seven

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