Chapter Four

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5 weeks later Tulisa is sitting in her bedroom waiting for Fazer and Dappy to come over. She looks in the mirror and fixes her hair before walking out the house and downstairs. She sees Fazer and Dappy across the road and begins to walk across. Suddenly a car comes out of no where and hits Tulisa. "T! Dappy phone an ambulance!" Fazer screams running over to where she's lying on the road. The driver turns around and drives away without even checking on Tulisa. Her eyes flicker open as she looks up at Fazer. "I love you Faze. I always will." Tulisa whispers. "Baby you are going to be fine, the ambulance is on its way. I promise you are gonna be alright. Okay just keep talking to me." He says holding her hand tightly. "I mean it when I say I love you." Tulisa says gently squeezing Fazer's hand. Fazer smiles down at her as a tear falls from his eye. "I love you too baby. And I promise that one day I will give you everything you've ever wanted yeah. We're gonna get married, we're gonna be successful. Your gonna have everything you've ever dreamed of baby because you deserve it and so much more." Fazer replies holding back tears. The ambulance arrives and checks on Tulisa before taking her to hospital. Fazer and Dappy aren't allowed in the ambulance to travel to the hospital in a taxi. When they get there Fazer rushes in and over to the reception desk. "My girlfriend, she's just been brought in. She was knocked down." Fazer says quickly as tears fall down his cheeks. "Okay just calm down, what's your girlfriend's name?" The receptionist asks. "Tula, Tula Contostavlos." Fazer replies. "Okay I'll get a nurse to come speak to you. Please take a seat." The receptionist says and goes away to find a nurse. Fazer sits down just as Dappy walks in. "What have they said?" He asks sitting down beside Fazer. "Nothing yet." Fazer replies. Dappy sighs and they sit in silence for about 15 minutes before a nurse comes over to speak to them. "Are you Miss Contostavlos's relatives?" She asks. Dappy and Fazer nod their heads. "Okay well Miss Contostavlos has been very lucky, she has very minor injuries and will hopefully be allowed home in a few hours." The nurse says. "Can we go see her?" Fazer asks. "Of course, follow me." The nurse replies. Fazer stands up and goes to follow the nurse but Dappy grabs his arm. "Faze mate I'm gonna go let Auntie Anne know what's happened. Tell T I'll see her later." Dappy says. "Alright Daps." Fazer replies then follows the nurse to Tulisa's room. The nurse opens the door and allows Fazer to walk in. He sees Tulisa lying in bed crying her eyes out. "Babe what's wrong?" He asks rushing over to her. He sits down beside her bed and holds her hand. Tulisa shuts her eyes and shakes her head. "I'm not ready for this." She whispers. "Ready for what babe?" He asks. "To be a mum. I'm not ready to be a mum." She replies almost inaudible. "What. What do you mean babe?" Fazer asks slightly confused. "I'm pregnant Fazer. I'm fucking pregnant." Tulisa replies. "Oh." Fazer says. "Fucking speechless. Yeah I was aswell. I'm too fucking young to be a mum Fazer. What the fuck are we supposed to do!" Tulisa screams at him before bursting into tears. "Shh. Its gonna be okay babe." Fazer says wrapping his arms around Tulisa. "No Fazer! Its not going to be fucking ok. I am fucking pregnant. Do you not understand." She screams pushing him away from her. "T please. I want to be here for you." Fazer says with tears in his eyes. "I'm not keeping it. I can't keep it, I just can't Fazer!" Tulisa cries. "Babe if that's what you want I'll stand by you but please don't push me away." Fazer says. "Its not what I want but I have to do it. We're too young to be parents." Tulisa replies quietly. "We'd make it work T. We would I promise. I'd be there 100% you wouldn't be on your own." Fazer says sitting up on the bed beside Tulisa. She sighs and leans against him. "I don't know Faze, what about the band?" She asks. "Like I said babe we'd make it work. We could be great parents I know we could. You just need to give us a chance T." Fazer replies. Tulisa wipes her eyes then turns to look at Fazer. "Promise me if I keep the baby you won't leave me." Tulisa says. "I promise babe. I won't leave you." Fazer replies. "Then I want to keep the baby. I want to keep our baby." Tulisa says looking into Fazer's eyes. "Babe I don't want you to feel pressured into keeping the baby." He says. "I don't, I want us to be a family. I was just scared you'd leave me." Tulisa replies. "I'm not gonna leave you. We could get our own little flat and everything. We could be a proper family T. Give that baby everything we never had." Fazer says with a smile on his face. Tulisa can tell by the look on his face that he really does mean what he says. "I'd like that." She replies placing her hand on her stomach. "Its weird to think there's a little baby growing in there!" She says looking down at her stomach. Fazer places his hand on top of hers and smiles. "That's our baby growing in here. A part of me and you!" Fazer replies. Tulisa leans into Fazer and places a kiss on his lips.

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