Chapter Eight.

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A few weeks later Tulisa and Fazer are settling into being parents. Tulisa has just got all 3 babies to sleep in their swings when Fazer comes walking in the front door laughing. "Oh my god, you'll never guess what Dappy just told me!" He says loud enough to wake Peyton. "Fuck sake Fazer." Tulisa snaps getting off the sofa and lifting Peyton out the swing. Luckily her crying doesn't wake Lucas or Bailey. "Sorry." Fazer mumbles. "Have you any idea how fucking long it took me to get them to sleep then you come in and wake her up. You need to fucking think before you come in. You think you have it fucking hard working all day. Well think again. I have to deal with 3 babies and do the housework. You do fuck all when it comes to the kids Fazer. You promised you'd be here and help me but your not." Tulisa says before placing Peyton back in her swing. "I feel like I'm a fucking single mum and I can't do this anymore." Tulisa continues before storming off and slamming the front door behind her leaving Fazer with all 3 babies. Tulisa walks to a nearby park and sits down on a bench. She sits and thinks about everything for about 3 hours before feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket. She takes it out and reads the text.

From Fazer :

Babe, where are you? I'm worried about you we need to talk. My mums willing to watch the babies for the night so we can talk if you want?xx

To Fazer :

That would be good. We do need to talk, I'll be home in a bit x

From Fazer :

Okay don't leave it too late please xx

Tulisa puts her phone back in her pocket and sits for another 15 minutes before walking back to the flat. She opens the front door and walks in. She sees Fazer sitting on the sofa and sits down next to him. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. Its just I'm exhausted and we never get any time together. I guess I just feel a little lonely and I miss you." She says. Fazer turns around to face her. "Babe I'm the one who should be sorry. I promised I'd help you and I've not been doing that. I've been a shit dad and a shitter boyfriend." He replies with tears in his eyes. Tulisa moves closer to him and wraps her arms around his neck. "I think we both need to start making time for each other." She says. Fazer nods his head and places his hands on either side of her waist. "I agree." He replies. "Can I have a proper cuddle please?" Tulisa asks. "Of course!" Fazer replies pulling her onto his knee and wrapping his arms around her. "I know we have our arguments but I love you Faze. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't want anybody else I just want you." She says cuddling into him. "I love you too T. You mean the world to me. You and our babies. I never want to lose you." Fazer replies kissing her forehead. They sit cuddling on the sofa for about an hour before Fazer makes them food. After they eat it they decide to watch a movie. "Babe what movie do you wanna watch?" Fazer asks. "Dear John." Tulisa replies. "Okay." Fazer says putting the dvd in. He runs into the next room and gets a blanket before coming back out and draping it over Tulisa. He gets them something to drink then sits down next to Tulisa. She cuddles into him as the movie begins. About halfway through the movie he looks down at Tulisa who's fast asleep. He throws the blanket off her and gently lifts her up, carrying her into the bedroom. He places her on the bed before going back and turning the tv and lights off. He tidies up a little bit before going and joining Tulisa in bed.

The next morning Tulisa wakes up first. She stretches then checks the time, its 10am. Getting out of bed she puts her dressing gown on and walks into the kitchen. She makes some breakfast then sits down on the sofa to eat it. About an hour later Fazer emerges from the bedroom rubbing his eyes. "Morning Tulisa says. "Morning." Fazer replies sleepily. "We need to pick up the kids then we have studio with Daps." Tulisa says and Fazer nods his head while yawning. "Aww is my Fazey still tired." Tulisa says. Fazer laughs at the voice she put on then goes to make some breakfast. He eats his breakfast while Tulisa goes to get dressed. After about 20 minutes both of them are dressed and ready to go. They get the bus to Fazer's mums and pick up the babies before walking to the studio. When they get there Dappy isn't there so they let themselves in and sit down on the sofa. "I'm exhausted!" Tulisa says resting her head on Fazer's shoulder. "Why don't you go for a little sleep. I doubt Dappy will be here for at least another hour." Fazer replies. Tulisa nods her head and Fazer puts his arm around her. She cuddles into him and slowly falls asleep about 15 minutes after she's fell asleep Dappy comes in. Fazer moves Tulisa so she's lying down on the sofa and covers her with his hoodie. "Daps she's exhausted I ain't waking her up." Fazer says walking to over to Dappy. "Its fine. How's the babies?" He asks. "They're alright." Fazer replies. "Okay well let's get this track put together then you can get her home to bed." Dappy says. By the time Tulisa has woke up Fazer and Dappy are finished the song. "How long was I asleep for?" She asks. "A few hours." Fazer replies. "Oh what have I got to do?" She asks. "Come home with me?" He replies. "What is there not a verse or anything?" She asks. "Nope, we just need to go home." Fazer replies. "Oh great that was an easy session." Tulisa says laughing. She starts gathering her stuff up when Dappy comes bursting in the door. "Guys your never gonna guess who just phoned me!" Dappy shouts. "Shh..." Tulisa replies looking over at the babies who are still fast asleep. "Sorry." He says. "Its fine, now who phoned you?" She asks. "The guys from All Around The World. They wanna sign us T. They actually want to sign us!" Dappy says. Tulisa screams and runs to hug Dappy. "AHHHH!" She shouts. "Shh... T, sleeping babies!" Fazer says. "Sorry." Tulisa whispers. They all sit down on the sofa and begin to talk. "Its so exciting. We're actually gonna make something of our lives." Tulisa says. "I know can you believe it!" Dappy replies. "This is amazing. I can give the babies the life they deserve." Tulisa says. "This is exactly what B wanted for us." Fazer replies. Tulisa and Dappy nod their heads. "How about we go for lunch to celebrate?" Tulisa asks. Fazer and Dappy nod their heads in agreement. They leave the studio and head to a cafe in the nearby shopping centre. They sit down and order their food. Just as their food arrives Peyton starts crying. Tulisa goes to stand up and Fazer puts his hand on her shoulder gently pushing her back down. "I'll get her. You eat." He says lifting Peyton out her pram. He cradles her in his arms and Tulisa begins to eat. When she's finished she takes Peyton from Fazer and he eats his food. Suddenly Bailey starts screaming aswell. "Babe I'm gonna take them both outside. I'll walk around the centre or something." Tulisa says. "Okay babe. We won't be too long." Fazer replies. "Okay." Tulisa says and places Peyton in the pram. She straps her in and covers her with blanket. She takes her purse out her bag and hands Fazer £20. "Here pay for the food." Tulisa says before walking out the cafe. She pushes the pram about the shopping centre a few times before Peyton and Bailey calm down. Fazer and Dappy come out a few minutes later and find Tulisa sitting on the bench outside. "Hey baby." Fazer says pushing Lucas over to her. "Hello." She replies. "Wanna go home?" He asks and she nods her head. "Let's go then." He says. Dappy goes back with them and ends up falling asleep on the sofa while they all watch a movie. Tulisa covers him with a blanket then her and Fazer go to bed.

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