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"Hey! Jeon Ohhnim! "

He looked at me in confusion.
He now seemed to realise who I am. He came closer to me and whispered making sure no one was able to hear what he said.
"Oh! So you knew who I was. "

He took a back and gave a misleading smile.

[ what the hell was the smile for? ]

I leaned onto the table which was a bit high. " If you don't want me to tell everyone what happened that night come and meet me in the basement. "I said in hope that he would obey my words if I try to threaten him. [Of course no celebrity will want to put his social face into danger. ]

" And why would anyone believe a foreigner's word? " He stated in a playful tone.


Jin was sitting right next to Jungkook and overheard Jk's last remark. He interrupted:

"Hey! Is this how I raised you?
You are not supposed to talk to any army like that wheather it is k or international army! " He smacked Jungkook's arm making him grunt in disgust. Then he turned to me" I'm sorry my darling, he'll make it up to you. "

"Yaahh!! " Jungkook shouted!

I giggled"Thanks Jin oppa! "

He gave me a gentle smile and I smiled back. He then continued with another army.

Jungkook looked at me firecely.

Suddenly the lights went off...

" Hell! How can lights go off in here?! "

"Where is the staff? And what are they doing?! "

I heard a chaos as the fans were fooling around. The staff bodyguards came Instantly to cover the members. We were asked to calm down and move away from the stage.

The lights came back within five minutes. Everyone looked upon the stage realizing that the Bts' members were long gone. We were all disappointed as soon as a staff member came up on the stage and apologize for the cancellation of the event.

I looked around cautiously, those suspicious men were also gone.

[AM I FREE NOW? I should head out now. ]

Distinct voices:

" How can they just cancel the event just for a light out? "

" There must be something serious for them to cancel such an event! "

To think of it, it comes to my mind that it might be those men who did something for the cancellation of the whole event.


( On the parallel side of the scene in the big hit quarters/dorm.)

NAMJOON: who was sitting next to him?

JIN: I was but I didn't saw him leave. He was with us the whole time.

YOONGI: Even I didn't saw him leave alone.

JIMIN: of course you didn't. You are barely awake at moments.

YOONGI: Yah! This time I was fully awake!

NAMJOON: this isn't the time for you guys to fight over these things!!


JIN: V stop being a kid and calm down. We all know how close you two are but you are not the only person worried about him right now but everyone in this room is.

V: It doesn't look like!

JIN: V.. ( his domineering but reassuring voice came up)

JHOPE:I'm scared now. What are we supposed to do further?

NAMJOON: we need to wait for director Nim's words. He is looking at the scene.

V: yeah! Just wait right?!

He is pissed off. He rushes to his room and slam the door behind his back creating a loud bang in the silent dorm.

JIMIN: AISH!! This kid!!



I took a step to move out and suddenly this thought struck my mind.

[ What if kookie is in the basement and all this was just a preplanned move? I need to go and check!

Will it be safe for me to go there?
Fuck it!! I'm going in]

I made my way to the basement through the stairs. There are not a lot of cars around here. I heard a distinct voice yet faded. I took cover behind a minivan making sure that I'm at a safe distance.

Suddenly I hear a door closing and being locked. I looked back and saw the staircase being locked from the outside. Heck, now I'm locked in here? Ahh!!

I took a peek through the van window glass and saw a bunch of goons. It looked like they were trying to protect or guard someone important. They were armed well.

Suddenly I heard some voices discussing about some deal. Idk what deal though but it won't be something good!

I heard someone smacking and shouting in deep pain when a familiar voice came to my notice...


One vote for Jungkook's safety.

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