Escape Reality

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"Let's talk inside. " He replied.

We entered a big bunglow well guarded with heavily armed forces.

He guided the way to the study room. He took a seat at the table.

I am standing right in front of him. When he starts.

"I have told you many times don't call me David." He calmly said.

"Now you don't even want me to call you? Same here. "

"Call me dad. "

"You are not my dad! "

"Look at yourself.

You got the same temper and Stubbornness as me. But still refuse me as your dad? "

I clicked my tongue when he continued.

"And this time you even showed your intelligence bringing that brat to me. " His face covers with joy. "So I won't be mad at you this time. "

[Is he talking about Jungkook? ]

"If I knew it would benefit you I would have never done such a thing. "

He frowned "You little brat. There are many people out there who are wishing to be in your place! Cherish it! "

"Even they have a better fortune than me then. "

He slams his hand hard on the deck standing in anguish. His rage was seen and felt through my whole body.


"Don't call yourself a bitch. I won't feel good. " I winked at him smirking.

I cleared my way out. Jefferson was standing right in the middle of the hall taking some calls and managing stuff.

I approached him.

" Did you bring him along? "I asked in a low voice.

" You mean your idol? "

"No, your son." I made a sarcastic remark in annoyance.

"Well I don't have one but if you want we can make one. " He smirked.

This guy always give me a feeling of being hit on. Although I know he does this only for the attainment of my Father's trust and then eventually his position.

" Stop this nonsense" I smacked his arm " Where is he? "

"If you want I can take you there tonight."

I gave him 'don't mess with me' glare.

" I won't tell your father. Relax! "
He assured.

"If you... " I pointed my finger at him when he suppressed my hand with his and cutting my words.

"Count on me. "


Around 2:00 am.

I was lying on my bed surfing the internet when there was a knock on my door.

A black shadow appeared and to my notice it was Jefferson.

"Follow me. "

I took my tab along and followed his lead.

We stepped down stairs to the store room along side the safe house.

He handed me over the keys.
"Take your time sweetheart but come back before dawn. " He left after those last words.

I cringed.

[Why does this man keeps on hitting on me?! ]

I stepped in and locked the door behind my back. It wasn't so big though. The moonlight found it's way through the vent.

There was a black figure at the end of the room.

[There he is.]

I sat next to the figure.

"You good here? "

"Why wouldn't I. They are serving me the best five star service tho. "His voice cracked. Maybe because of lack of energy.

"No jokes. You knew about Dreak's plan? "I asked.

"Why would I?

Though he is my brother and damn affectionate towards me, I don't talk to him since he stepped into this stream. I never liked his motive nor work. "He replied noting the facts.

"Same here. " I mumbled.

"What do you mean? "He asked looking at me in surprise.

" I don't work for Dreak."

"Then?! "

"You know the Davids? "


[ How can I not?]I smirked in my mind.

" The leading gang in the three continents? The one rivaling the GDs in Seoul? "I replied with a shocked expression.

" Basically not the GDs but yes.... I am his heir. "

"Why do you sound so sad though? You have every fucking thing in the world! "

I kept quiet for a while waiting for her to continue.

"It's not like what you all think. It's really difficult to be a heir to such a big empire. Knowing it's just a wasteful heep dragging innocent people to death.

It keeps eating you from inside. Although there was one and only friend of mine who introduced me to your songs which helped me reveal my anxiety and frustration. Her name was Meghan. But my dad murdered her just because I was fangirling over you guys and not focused on the training.

Now if I come to think of it, it might be because he knew you were blood related to Dreak and didn't wanted me to drift off the path. He kept me held captive and even deported me to different countries when I protested. "

I kept quite hearing to her stuff.

The moonlight was falling on the face causing her eyes shine bright which were full of tears of defeat.

I felt a bit uneasy. Her voice for the first time started cracking. when she continued.

"It was 4 years ago my father stabbed the former leader in front of our eyes. My eyes.

It was just me, my brother my father and the old chief at the secret celebration of the success they achieved. I don't even know for what damn purpose was it for.

There was a sudden chaos. My brother hugged me covering my eyes protecting me.The doors were banging hard from the outside when my father picked the knife right on the table and stabbed the old chief right through his neck. I saw it with my own fucking eyes when the chief caught hold off his gun and shoot right at us." tears started falling off her eyes rolling down her cheeks. "It would have rather been me than my brother. " She choked on her own breath.
" Day before yesterday when I first encountered you that night. I escaped from my house just to attend your concert and the fan sign. I decided to escape my reality for one damn time but it struck me back even harder. "She wiped her tears returning back to her tough self.


Do you guys think this plot is even better than any other and should I continue writing this story or drop this idea?

Comment your response. Even if I get one positive comment I'll continue this piece of art.

So, please show your love guys!

Doomed!! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora