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I smirked and got closer to him.
He moved back. I held him by the back of his neck and started cleaning his face with my other hand.

He again resisted" You crazy bitch!" But couldn't do anything but lie like a half dead man on the ground.

" Don't move or else I won't be able to control myself. "I said this reaching his ear lobe.

He was struggling for air when he replied:

"You will regret this. "

"Only if we get out of this hell alive. "Now his face was clean enough for me to see his expressions.

He gave me a weird expression as if trying to understand what was going on in the situation but didn't spoke a word.

I sat next to him at some distance
analysing a way to get out of here.

It was just a big half underground basement with some cars and minivans. Mostly empty.

There were some AC ducts and air ventilators. The vents were pretty high to reach and were well grilled. I scanned the place and said.

"If you want to get out of here safely you need to listen to me without any questions"

"What is this?Another way to trick me into this deeper? "

"You really think they would trap me here with you if I were one of them? "

"I'm not a fool to believe your words once again when it was you who asked me to the basement! " He quoted.

"Fine, I'll get out of here alone"

He agitated and let out a sigh.

"Okay tell me what to do? "


I am not sure if I can rely on this girl. She doesn't even look like an adult and still working for such a dangerous gang?

Well this is what makes her undoubtedly innocent. But this can't be the reason for me to trust her.

Forget it, I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Hyungs would be really worried about me.

"Okay tell me what to do? "

I said calming myself down.

She looks around and get closer to a minivan at about ten meters away looking for something. Her reaction changes to a satisfied one, seemed like she found what she wanted. She put her hands under her top and it looked like she was struggling with her bra behind her back.





She ran towards me in full speed and covered my mouth with her pretty small hands.

"I said no questions! " She spoke in a low voice but clearly instructing. She looks around analysing if anyone heard my voice and was coming towards us.

Now we are in an even more awkward situation. She is on top of me and I'm just sitting resting my back on the wall. My legs are captivated by hers and her other hand pushes my back even stronger to the wall making my shoulder hurt.

My heart started pumping extremely fast which made my situation even worse.

[ I'm really uncomfortable right at this moment. When is she planning to let go off me? ]

It took her about 20 seconds to make sure no one overheard me and let go off me.

She stood up and gave me that death glare. It sent chills through my spine.

[ Bitch you are gonna regret this so bad! ]

" I don't like repeating my words twice. "

" So tell me what you were doing back then? "

" There's no need for me to answer you. If you feel like not looking me doing weird stuff close your fucking eyes and do not disturbing me further Mr. Jeon Ohhnim! "

She continued and removed her jet black bra under her top.
I tried to ignore but I couldn't. She looked towards me. I could feel pity in her eyes for me.

She picked her handbag and removed a bar of chocolate and handed it over to me.

" It won't be poisoned right? "

"I wish."

She again ignored me and this time removed a wire from her bra and straighten it.

She turned to the minivan and pinned the wire in the gap between the window and the frame covered with a rubber tube.

"Wish it won't set the Van's alarm off" She said and chuckled.

Of course it won't be surprising working in a gang and knowing stuff like these.

[She might have done something against their will that she is locked down here with me.]

She opened the van's door with a click. She opened the van booth and removed a tool box.

"How do you know these stuff? "I asked.

" I have a lot of experience escaping " she winked.

She took a screw driver and head towards the lowest vent. She stepped on the car's tire and stood over the bonnet removing the glasses off the vent carefully.

"Not gonna help?? " She gave me a look.

I had some energy after having the chocolate bar that she gave me. I stood up and approached her. She handed me the glasses over and started unscrewing the screws. She removed the grill and moved it to the side making minimum noise she could.

She jumped and stepped out of the vent landing on the land as it was half underground basement.

She lend her hand forward

"Come on! "

I stepped up and refused her hand making my way out of the vent.

It was already afternoon. The outside was not crowded but totally empty. It looks like this place is heavily guarded. I took rest along the wall.

We are out of the basement but still not sure that we will make our way out of here. Alive.


"We still have a long way to go, Mr. Serious! "

[ It would be fun getting  escaping out not alone this time. ]

"I'm not meeting you again once I get out of here!" He exclaimed in a low voice.

"Of course you won't" I smirked.

There was a wall about twenty feet away and around eight feet tall.

I took a peek and there were goons still guarding the basement door. I ran towards the wall in full speed taking cover behind the boxes in front of the wall.

Jungkook was dumbfounded looking at my disappearing figure.

I signalled him to come over and be careful of the goon's sight.

[ I swear to God if you ruin this chance I'm gonna...! ]

He bent over covering his stomach as his stomach hurt, and ran towards me.

[ He looked like a cute little bunny running towards his hole escaping a hunter. Hehe, Cute! ]

Luckily they were chatting and didn't realized his existence.

I pulled him closer making him fall on me. Our faces bumped into each other's when.....


One vote for their safe escape.

Doomed!! Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant