Chapter 2

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The midwife alerted her, eyes wide and a smile pressed on her face. Her tone bright and high; vivifying the mood and room. She knows this was a scary thought, a wild realization for the mother-to-be. It was the dawn of a whole new world.

She was prepared, ready and nothing could stop her. She's going all natural; no drugs. She doesn't want anything affecting her son and causing any trouble or problems for them.

Her mind is set, and she's so ready to meet her little man, and become the family she's wanted and needed since she met her husband.

It's nothing but a blur, only her husband's cheering and squeezing of her hand is what she can comprehend. Everything else felt foggy and distorted. Screaming through the pain, as the pressure continues, and fire erupted from her pelvis.

She holds her breath as the ring of fire spreads through her. It is the most pain and agony she's ever felt, and as she finally huffs loudly – she hears a soft cry – and the pain dissolves immediately. Vanishing the second, her ears catch the sounds of her son breathing, taking in the air and letting everyone know he's here.

Panting, crying and overwhelmed, she watched carefully through blurred vision as they cut the cord, and cleaned him up for a weigh in. From what she saw, he's so big, so long and perfect. She didn't take her eyes off him until her loving and sobbing husband moves into her line of sight and snakes his arms around her.

"I'm so proud of you, baby" He whispers, as he kisses along her cheek. Trying to trap the many tears that wedged at the corners of his eyes. He's so overjoyed, so proud. He can't wipe the smile from his lips, he's so happy to have his little man here with them. He was finally here, and he certainly wanted everyone to know with the set of lungs on him.

Her shaking arms, drape over his shoulders to pull him in, closer.

He was such a sweetheart, crying. He may be standing at 6'4, but he was the gentlest giant you'd ever meet. She loves that so much about him. She's so in love right now, as she pressed her cheek against his chest, hearing his heart fluttering erratically within his chest. A smile spreads across her lips. She's never felt so much happiness.

Carefully, the nurse carries their baby boy in her arms, wrapping him in a pastel blue blanket; She smiles down at them, before unwrapping him gently, as she places him down onto her, skin-to-skin.

"Do you have a name?" The nurse asks, watching as the parent's faces glow with pure joy, constantly inspecting the newborn in the mother's arms, making sure everything was alright.

"Nickolai" The Husband announces, as he shifts from his wife, and sits beside her. His eyes, never leaving his son's petite face. He was so little, so pure and amazing. He couldn't believe it, yet there he was.

As he sat there, in a daze watching his beautiful wife, and son. He can't help but lift a giggle from his lips, before he leans in and softly strokes Nickolai's head, attempting to straighten and flatten the back of his head; as a small section of his crimson hair intentionally stuck upward. Any attempt he made to smooth it, failed and it only left him and his wife giggling to themselves, "his hair has attitude already" He chuckles, as he leans in and kisses the top of his head.

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