Chapter 8

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Weeks walked by even a couple of months; the most rest he's ever had, and eventually, the swelling dissolved, and the stitches were removed; although they didn't stop the scarring to his face. Fortunately, for Nickolai, his right eye was not damaged.

He managed to entertain himself through magazines, TV and a tennis ball that Jake snuck in. Throwing it at the wall, and catching it. Even in the middle of the night, while he couldn't sleep – haunted by nightmares of the event and terrors of this place – he'd be throwing the ball at the wall. Constant rhythm of banging from the wall for hours throughout the night.

It drove the nurse's wild and sometimes mad, but they let him have it. Even though, they'd end up jerking awake because of it. They'd run in there, storm into his room and scold him for doing it. It only had him snickering at them and putting it beside him on the bedside table. Sometimes, Nickolai could be one hell of a cheeky boy. A side that was a rarity to see, if at all.

While Jake was there, they'd talk about their favorite books, and how far in they were; like a contest but Jake gave Nickolai a raincheck on the challenge since most of the time, he only had the one eye to read with.

"you should be heading back soon" Jake announces with a hint of joy in his tone, as he throws the tennis ball to the back wall, and catches it while Nickolai eats, and he eats.

This was the first time since he'd been in Earth's squad that he's eaten regularly and a lot of food, instead of what Jake can get his hands on without being seen or caught.

Nickolai doesn't reply, he just continues to eat. Ignoring the statement of having to go back. He realizes just how bad it is back there now that he's been here. Able to rest, to eat and do as he pleased. The second he went back; it would be orders barked at him, insults left and right, and no more food. Hungry once again. It made him cringe, at the realization that Jake was right. His scar had mostly healed; it was still tender, but it was healed enough. He could see with his right eye, and there was nothing stopping him from getting back into training.

As described by his nurse, he had a Hypertrophic Scar; slightly raised yet firm. It is very red and pink now, due to the increase blood flow; but eventually, in a few months or even a year, it'll become paler. Yet, right now? It was very noticeable; as if he needed something else to his face for people to stare at.

With that, The Captain is there and summoning him back to the unit. "Get back to your room, Nickolai; that's enough holiday time for you," He tells him and walks out while Jake had ducked down, hiding behind the bed and out of The Captain's line of sight.

"I'm going to miss my three-a.m. wake-up calls" His nurse moaned, slightly teasing him but she genuinely would miss having him around. He's a pleasant person to be around, charming, kind and shy; but the more you got to know him, once he let his walls down. He was such a character.

"Hopefully I don't see you in here again" She adds, smiling at him with a sincere and bright smile before heading out of the room, and leaving him to gather his things and head back to the hell he came from.

What was that? Two months of a life of luxury. He got to play games, read more books than he could in a month down here. He got so much to eat, and so much rest. Was it a taste of life outside these walls? The freedom, to do as you pleased? Sure, he was healing and practically confined to a bed the entire time, but anything was better than the building he was about to return to.

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