Chapter 5

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Their day was spent entirely on discovering, bonding and learning about their weapons. Each one of them was sent back to their rooms to think and research their armaments. No books, or guidance from the Captain; they had to learn for themselves. Left to their own thoughts and conclusions.

Had they forgotten that Nickolai was only six years old? While the others were around seven and or above?

Nickolai found himself pacing and flexing his hands, running them over his freshly shaved scalp. Feeling his heart stammer in his chest, with each thought of the situation at hand. His breathing becoming irregular from the flood of emotions that drowned him. The nerves becoming unsettling in his stomach; His thoughts steering from the weapon and fretting of stuffing something up and making himself look to be an idiot.

They already thought he was weird just by a single exchange in glances. He wanted to show them, that he was more than his ears than his eyes.

The crippling doubt was impressive, as it weighed down on his shoulders and sank into his chest – the more he thought about how badly he wanted to fit in – the worse he started to feel. Dropping down to the ground, he crawls into the darkest corner and lets the fear overtake him.

He tried to trap and bury the lingering haunting thoughts, and focus on his weapon but it wasn't long before more questions began to collide with his mind.

What was it? How did he use it? What did he need? There were so many questions drilling into his mind, and he was left with his own thoughts to process it all. There was no asking for help.

Eventually, Nickolai gathers himself and sits on his bed, he rests the compact and classic compound bow on his lap. Looking down at it, his eyes give the bow a detailed look as his fingertips run across its black metallic side.

He thought it was a recurve bow at first. Judging by the many books he saw over the years, with drawings and paintings of bows, but the more he noticed the weight and design; he realized it was a compound bow – more advanced and compact. How he knew this? He didn't know. He just magically knew these things. Maybe he'd seen it on the television or in a book?

With no other knowledge of the weapon other than the fact that The Captain stated it was a Compound Bow in his grasp, he can feel the hesitation drain him during his thoughts. It's not long before he placed the heavy bow down on his bed, and tucked the arrows beneath his pillow.

Stepping out of his room, he peers around to see if anyone else was around; not even murmurs are heard behind closed doors. The close was nice and clear, as he grabs his bow in tow and one arrow and dashes outside silently. How could they expect them to learn without shooting it? Or shooting it indoors.

It was evident that the others thought the same. Stepping outside, to find each of the boys, keeping to themselves and checking out their weapons. Nickolai felt his body tense; realizing he had live ammunition – so did the others. He tenses even more before moving away from the group. Moving out and around the back of the shed; between the trees. Hiding.

He enjoys being outside, fresh air and the scent of nature surrounding him. There was just something so soothing about it. He hoped that he'd be outside a lot, a lot more than he was the first six years he'd spent with Dana.

It didn't take him long at all to feel the pull of his heartstrings the more he thought about Dana and how much he missed her. She was so kind, and her smile brightened his day. Now, he was being yelled at and forced to learn how to use a weapon all on his own. Dependent on her, and now he was completely and utterly on his own without her to guide him. He missed her, but at least he had his blanket – as childish as that may seem, but he is a child.

A Modern MythTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon