Chapter 10

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This place was all so familiar, still.

Sitting up on top of a bookcase; he stared out of the window. Like he used, too.

He even remembered the time schedule and working hours. Of course, he only hoped they hadn't changed in the ten years he's been gone.

Striking the hour, Nickolai waited impatiently. Starting to think, he'd come too early or even that the person he wanted to question was no longer there; his mind was flooded with questions and spreading with fear that he'd get caught. Although at the same time, he didn't care.

Stepping into the playgroup zone, while the children are napping. She scans the floor; A tornado had rushed through - typical with so many children in one area. Toys, clothes, and food everywhere. A complete mess and she can't help but let out a drained sigh, dropping her shoulders and wishing she didn't have this chore at all. It was her job, and she had to do it.

She looks up and almost jumps from her skin, with a squeak as she gasps and smacks her palm over her lips, "Oh my god!" She exclaims, with the widened ice blue eyes as she stared at Nickolai, up on the bookshelf.

It's not long until tears elope her eyes, and she's riddled in pure delight to see him, "Nickolai?" She squeals between her fingertips, hands shaking now as the realization sinks in and she's staring in pure disbelief. She never saw the children she raised, ever again. This was the first time she'd encountered one of them.

Nickolai is quiet, waiting for her to gather herself. His eyes pinned on her shocked face; she hadn't changed at all. Still beautiful, and clearly still kind and considerate. Her hair was now curled, and her golden locks glowed and jumped off her shoulders as she bounced. He tilts his head slightly and smiles before jumping down from the bookshelf.

"Hey" He greets her with a low yet kind tone, straightening himself and standing a few feet before her. "you haven't aged a bit" He compliments her, with a small twitch of his right ear, which immediately gets a response from Dana.

She rapidly gasps in reply to seeing his ear movement, "Oh my goodness, your ears still twitch!" She cries, and her hands shake with excitement, she can't hold herself back, she was so thrilled and draped in pure bliss at this sudden reunion. "I-I always wondered if they'd do that once you grew up," She tells him, running her eyes over him. "You've grown into such a handsome man" She returns the compliment, and pulls herself back from wrapping her arms around him. To pull him in for a tight embrace. He never knew that he gave the best cuddles. How could he even remember that? When his mind, has been so drained, tormented and poisoned.

She wanted to comment, and flood him with questions, but she bites her tongue and just stands there, observing him carefully and enjoying his presence; How tall he was, she had to look up at him now and his hair, so vibrant and wild. She can also see the trauma he's been through – just enough until she tears her eyes from it, and her heart sinks deep into her stomach, and her breath hitched in her throat. It physically hurt to even consider or think of what he's been through. Her throat becomes dry, and words are trapped on the tip of her tongue.

Finally, she exhales deeply and bites her bottom lip. She's still beaming with the delight of seeing Nickolai right there before her. Gathering herself, she takes a second before gently grabbing his hand and moving towards her office – it wasn't safe out there in the open – She didn't trust anyone.

"I'm sorry if someone saw you..." She apologizes, as she carefully moves some of her hair from the side of her face, and hunched her shoulders slightly. Her eyes drawn to the ground before finally looking up to meet those beautiful and enchanting odd-eyes. She forgot how lost she'd get in them.

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