chapter three

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I woke up to someone shaking me.

"C'mon, Doll. I need ya to wake up."

I opened my eyes slightly, seeing G standing over me. I groaned, curling into myself and starting to fall asleep again. G chuckled lightly, grabbing the covers. I grabbed them in return, whining. "Nooooo!" G tried to pull the sheets off of me, but I pulled them over my head.

"Not a morning person, huh? Well, I've got the perfect remedy for that. If you wake up, that is." G let the covers go and sat somewhere.

"Sorry, Doctor. She won't wake up for her final exam. The exam that let's her go home."

"I have no home to go back to, G. Nice try, though."

G was silent. "Well, I was going to offer you stay with me and my brother, but if you're not gonna wake up, then the offer might expire..."

I sat up tiredly. "How much rent?" I asked groggily.

"None. Completely free of charge."

I looked at him like he'd grown an extra head. It wasn't every day that some stranger offered to let you stay in his house, completely free of charge.

I thought about it. I didn't know this man, but, at the same time, he did save me from death.

The doctor asked me a few questions, like rating my pain, how I was feeling emotionally, and having me walk around a bit.

I eventually took up G's offer. He walked me outside, and Josh came running at me, a look of anger in his eyes.

I took a frightened step back. I had never seen him this angry before.

G put an arm in front of me and Josh suddenly stopped, surrounded by a faint yellow glow.

Josh yelled out in surprise. He was lifted slightly off the ground and drifted over to G. I flinched away from Josh. G noticed.

"Don't worry, Doll. He can't hurt you. I've got a firm grip on his soul. He can't move at all."

I nodded and sighed shakily.

Josh growled at G, something I had never heard him do before. I looked at him in pure fear.

"How dare you flirt with my grilfriend?! She's mine!!"

I mumbled that I had told him we were through before I had left. Josh thankfully didn't hear me, but G did. And, unfortunately, he wasn't going to let you get away with only muttering.

"Say that louder, Doll."

I mumbled it a little louder. Josh had a look of confusion on his face, trying to make out what I was saying.

When he realized what I had said, he only got more mad. He started screaming at me, calling me names and putting me down.

Tears came to my eyes. I was having trouble breathing. I tried to suck in breaths, but it wouldn't work.

I was absolutely terrified. Josh was going to hurt me. I couldn't do anything to stop him...

Someone grabbed my hand and a warm, fuzzy feeling filled my body. It was comforting. Someone sat my on a bed and held me close, whispering my my ear. I couldn't make out what the voice was saying, but I calmed down quickly.

I sighed as I looked up at....G. G had saved me, yet again. I couldn't help but wonder how many more times I would have to be saved. That question would be answered soon enough.

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