First Impression

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Clays eyes slowly begin to open as he realises what he was doing today. He quickly got ready and a frown appeared on his face when he realised it was still pouring from last night, and the walk to school was going to ten minutes long, he will be soaking by the time he reaches it.

He begins his journey and walks in the downpour his eyes sadly staring out into the streets. It was cold and Clay feared the next moments hoping he will have a better life in this school then the past three.

He reached out for the handle with his drenched hand and walked into his biggest nightmare.

He put his bag into a nearby locker and checks his schedule to see that his first lesson was maths so he walked along the fourth hallway and enters the class room.

Clay walked over to the corner of the room and sat alone like always, staring down blankly at the assignment in front of him.

His last sane sense told him that someone sat next to him and his anxiety immediately increased by a level.

"Hello, is everything alright because you seem sad?" Said the person.

Clay looked up to see a smaller boy with deep brown eyes and soft brown hair who was slightly shorter than him.

"Y-yeah I guess I'm fine, I'm just a bit nervous." Said Clay truthfully.

The smaller boy kept glancing at him every now and then to make sure he was okay while they were doing the questions on the piece of paper. Clay was quite smart however he lost his focus if someone was too close to him.

All the other students were still doing their sheets when Clay and the smaller boy finished. And only a few minutes of silence later the bell rung and everyone left for the restaurant.

The smaller boy realising Clay's confused facial expression guessed he doesent know where it is so he stayed until Clay looked up.

"Do you need help to navigate around school?" Said the boy.

"Y-yes please"

Time skip of 5 long minutes of quietness

Clay and the boy were sat next to each other in the restaurant and the smaller boy kept a smile on his face all throughout that time. Then later said.

"I was wondering if we could be friends, I mean we already get along quite well don't we?"

"I guess we could..", his anxiety started to ease and he felt comfortable talking to that specific being, "but don't you find me a bit weird?"

"No not at all, and could I know what your name is by any chance?"

"It's Clay, not the best name I know..."

"No no I actually like it, mines George..... Okay let's get back to class before the corridors get full as I see you have a bit of social anxiety, don't you?"

"Mabie a bit.. is that not a problem for you"

"Nah, I'm totally fine with it, not your fault anyway... Okay Clay follow me."

And with that the two friends left..
Around 500 words couldn't extend

And sad to say but that's all we have time for now. The writer of this fanfic is very busy and had to rewrite this too but don't worry next plan and hopefully chapter will come out later today mabie like in 6-7 hours the writer will start the planning bye for now, love everyone who reads this cya.

Monday 8th June 2020

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