Bad Ending..

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Once they mustered up the courage the three of them jumped inside...

The air became cold and at once they got teleported onto a small obsidian platform, the void stretching for miles filled with dark matter and it looked a bit distorted with purple pixels here and there.

In front of them, eight tall black pillars were reaching hight into the sky, each topped with a purple crystal.

They each started shooting at them and almost immediately half were nearly gone already. They charged their bows at sonic speed not missing their target by even a millimetre.

They were filled with joy, soon they would be back in their true world, not having to worry about their lives.

Once the crystals were all destroyed, they charged at the Dragon, getting a few hits on it before it flew away. They wasted no time and began shooting at the Dragon.

5 minutes of fireing later.

The ender Dragon was at half heath and unluckily the dream team were running low on arrows...

Clay used his bed exploding strat and it's health lowered dramatically. Nick was fighting a ton of endermen which so happened to appear before his eyes. (Get what I mean.)

Purple fire spread all over the place causing the dteam to flee. Then they ran back to blow the finishing hit.

The Dragon aggressively grabbed George with his arm and yeeted him upwards around 100 meters high. Everyone panicked as they realised they didn't have water buckets. Just before George hit the ground, clay ran forward catching him just in time.
"Thanks" said George falling into a trans by staring deep into clays eyes, a bit too deep...

You might be wondering why I said 'too deep'. I said it because something bad is going to happen, something unexpected, especially as they were almost done with the Dragon.

"" someone whispered full of agony. Clay managed to shake George back into reality and they sprint to Nick who was lying on the floor.

"Nick! What happened?!"
"Finish it without me.. Leave me here.. don't save me please.."
"No no no please, you can't die" George said tears already streaming down his face.

Nick layed there beat up, probably by the endermen, his arms were bleeding and he had a deep cut down his side. His eyes began closing... Clay hugged George as it was the most he could do at the time. George was crying on his shoulder, enough to fill up a bucket to use in case.

Clay was shocked, his friend died, his other friend was there, crying. Too much was happening. The Dragon could even kill them both right now but that was the least he could care about, he wanted to comfort his now broken friend.

They decided they should kill the Dragon and so they came to the middle and they both knew the explosion of the Dragon dying would definitely kill the person dealing the last blow.

"I will do it.. " said George even more tears swelled up his eyes. "Only one can survive and I believe u will have a better life to live than me"

"G-George you cant" Clay was already on the verge of tears once George started his spiteful sentence. "That would leave me with nothing, my parents hate me, I have no other friends, you were the only person who ever said a word to me" he said breaking down as if the love of his life was dying, well it was...

"I'm sorry" clay looked up to see George lean closer to him, kissing him. That moment felt so good to clay however it didn't help the fact he would never feel that again.

George soon pulled out, blocking clay inside an obsidian box...
"Nooo please.. don't" tears rapidly flooding the box. If that continued he would drown by five minutes.

"I have too.." said George reaching forwards and slashing the Dragon the final time. "I have too....."

The Dragon exploded knocking George out, and making him fly high into the air. This time Clay won't catch him. "Goodbye clay, it was nice knowing you.." he said in a whispering manner.

After a few split seconds George hit the floor. Ending his life...

(I'm actually crying right now)

A few minutes later clay got out using his iron pickaxe only to see George on the floor. He ran up to him, holding him as close to his chest as he could letting a river of tears fall to the ground once more.

"Please noo- I-i can't- my h-heart can't take this" " pleasee"

Clays POV

I don't have anything to do with my life anymore, I don't see a reason to live. Especially seeing my- I don't know what he would be called- boyfriend, I really don't know, laying there, dead. No I can't live any more, I don't want to..

I have made my decision.

Clay gets his last arrow and stabs it into his shattered heart. He ends his life from his love that could never have been replaced...

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