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"Thank you, Luka." Marinette sniffed, she didn't know what to feel, somehow Luka Couffaine, the one who liked her truly, comforted her. "For everything." She continued. She heard Luka's tunes for her and she can say it really gave her a fresh breathe from everything.

The guitar boy smiled, and hugged the blunette one more time. Just to make sure that she's really fine. But Marinette still accepted it, Luka really is a big part of her life right? "Anything for you." He said, his tone smooth, makes her feel she's safe around him.

After a few goodbyes, Marinette threw the small tissue paper from the ice cream she bought from André, she walked past her other friends and avoided to look at the two on her right, Adrien and Kagami.

They were eating their ice cream together. Even though Marinette didn't see, she felt that they are happy. She DID mean that when two people eat André's ice cream together, they would fall in love, forever. She wished that it was her and Adrien eating it.

But it was otherwise. She set Adrien free. Free from herself, free from her aching heart. She decided to move on, it really did make sense from what happened at the past few days, every time she talked to Adrien thinking that it's better if they were just meant to be friends, she won't stutter, babble, stumble, or act awkward.

'Maybe we're just meant to be friends.' Marinette spoke in her mind. Realizing the big part of her wasted feeling for him.

She pushed her hand that was holding the tissue paper into the city trash bin near the dark painted bridge, where André Glacier is currently selling his signature ice cream in his cart. After throwing it, she walked away from the scene, slowly and surely.

She painfully sighed, her chest felt tight. This was the exact feeling of letting go a feeling she felt for two and a half years, it was really wasted. It was a mistake. She created herself a big hole. A big hole that she herself fell and ached.

"Are you really okay, Marinette?" Tikki flew out of her owner's signature sling bag and sat on her shoulder. It was no doubt that her kwami was very worried for her, she doesn't want her owner be sad, it will affect the kwami too.

Marinette caught Tikki's attention, she glanced over and didn't answered orally, she was too tired of talking already---or maybe tired of everything. Instead she gave a smile she had left for the day.

'I won't cry.' Marinette forced herself. 'Why would I cry for a nobody?'

She kept walking, chin up, emotionally down. But she knew, after this day, a better one will appear, new responsibilities that she needed to make. It was more important than contemplating about her love department.

'Why worry?' She would say out loud. 'I'm Marinette! I'm confident, I'm strong! I'm Ladybug! I will overcome all of this! I promise that!' She breathed again, in, and out. This time, it was easier for her.

She is Marinette. The only Ladybug with, or without a mask. Herself is the Lucky Charm she'll surely use to heal herself, to fix everything. Including her heart.


"Thanks, Adrien." Kagami said, smiling. She knew that her feelings for him is strong enough to prove to the world that they are the perfect couple. She has blood type O, right? Determined, and sure.

Adrien smiled as a reply. Even he wouldn't tell to anyone even his kwami, he decided that changing targets will surely work. His love for Ladybug wasn't working, she was stubborn and will surely follow her heart, he only hoped that her love for someone else will work. Whoever he is, he truly deserve Ladybug.

He sighed, stood up, and offered his hand to the Japanese girl, she happily obliged and they stood out of the edge, he glanced at the others and found out that Luka and Marinette are gone, he thought about it for a while.

'Luka truly deserves Marinette.' He smiled. 'I'm so happy for them.'

Kagami snapped Adrien from his train of thoughts. "See you tomorrow?" She smiled while saying that, her brown eyes standing out. The model boy smiled and nodded, he walked with her and opened his black car's door, allowing Kagami step inside and claiming that he'll bring her back to her home.

Minutes after, he arrived at his own house and he walked upstairs, as usual, his father, Gabriel, won't welcome him, instead, Natalie, Gabriel's assistant will stare at Adrien while he walks upstairs. She nodded at him as a welcome and he simply smile as a reply.

Everything has changed, and it was just because of that stupid event, the day where Hawkmoth and Mayura ended Master Fu's era, everything got more difficult.

The blond opened his room's door and he sighed as he stepped inside and closed the door. What would he do now? He wouldn't stare at Ladybug's pictures anymore, at least he won't fantasize and think about their future anymore.

Which reminded him.

He sat on his couch and grabbed his phone, didn't mind that Plagg flew out and asked if he's okay, Plagg just nodded, knew the answer and flew to his secret cabinet where his cheese is waiting for him.

Adrien swiped on his phone to enter his password and tapped on his gallery, several folders of pictures came out. He was surprised that Ladybug's folder of pictures were that most many pictures than any folders there.

And another thing surprised him was the folder was named as ♥M'Lady♥ . He grew disappointed at himself and tapped on the folder, and tapped again somewhere to rename the folder. Ladybug★.

He sighed as an agreement on what he finished doing and he began scrolling down. Gosh, the pictures were too many, maybe it reached 300+. Memes regarding her funny face counted. He chuckled as he scanned through them and realized that she wouldn't want to know that someone was collecting her funny faces.

He selected some pictures and added more, and tapped somewhere to delete it. But still her face still stained in his memory.

Is this the part of them moving on? Will they be forever apart? At least they can think that this was true. It's only them who could fix themselves. They made a big mistake that shattered their own hearts into pieces.

Luka was there for Marinette.

Kagami was there for Adrien.

They will heal them, right?


This is it. I hope I won't break your hearts. I'm not that mean, don't worry.

Even I got emotional here, waaaahhhh!

Why am I writing this anyway?!

Just kidding, I know exactly why.

I hope you like this little prologue I created to refresh the story!

PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND FOLLOW! I am dying to meet your motivations! *sang the part of Show Yourself from Frozen II*


Hehe, I'll leave it here. Babooo, my Angels!!!


1178 Words!!!

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