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Jimin's pov

"He didn't make it. I'm sorry."

It felt like the world had been crushed. I fell to the floor. Everyone cried but I just stare at the floor blankly. Tears running down. I recalled that Tae just call me Minnie when he was serious. He love me and it's my fault. I just realised that I love him. It's too late now. I was too late. He's gone. Forever.

Today, it was his funeral. His parents and friends came. He still young to die cuz of an illnes like this. Cries only can be heard. I broke up with Jungkook two days ago. I blame myself for this. I lock up myself after the funeral and only came out to school or eat but sometimes I skip it.

A year later- third pov

The atmosphere at the symetry was quiet as usual. Today was 30 Dec. His birthday. We all came to the graveyard to visit him. They stood in front a gravestone where his name carved on it. Tae's grave was under a big shady tree. They spend time almost half an hour. Everyone started back to the car leaving Jimin alone. He crouched down and hold his stone but little did he know that a man was there other than him.

"Hey, Tae. How are you? Hope you're fine up there. You know I miss you a lot."

'I miss you too.'

"I'm sorry, Tae."

'Don't be.'

"I regret it. I regret not loving at the first place."

'It's okay.'

"I love you Tae."

'I love you too."

Jimin kissed the stone crying silently. He don't know that the man came back hugging him but he can't feel it. The man just a soul. A soul that he love so much. The soul kissed Jimin's forehead.

'I love you so much my Minnie.'

He said as he dissappeared in the thin air. The wind blew against the leaves made Jimin looked up. He smiled. He know that Tae will always looking at him. Tears leaving his eyes.



Wow. That's short. Sorry. Sooooo thats the ending. Lol. Sorry guys. Pleasez don't attack me. I have suprise for you guys later. Thanks for voting and put so much love to this story. Hehe.. igtg. Wellp see ya later

It's already 1:15 a.m. when I wrote this

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