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In the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl with a normal life, but there's something about me that no one knows yet, because I have a secret...


Today was going to be a special day, Marinette could just feel it. She was already off to a great start by waking up early! And since it was going to be a special day, she decided to switch things up a bit. Instead of her usual clothes, Marinette decided on wearing a cute pink romper she made the other day with her signature flowers along the collar and the pant legs.

She grabbed her usual flats and jacket before running out of her house to the school.

Everyone seemed surprised to see her, but she later realized that People were staring at her not only because she was early, but also because she hadn't done her hair. She panicked and quickly raked her fingers through her shoulder-length hair. After using her phone as a mirror, she smiled.

She didn't look half bad with her hair down.

Marinette hurried into the classroom with a small grin on her face, she knew everyone was expecting her at least a minute after the bell rings, who knew she'd be fifteen minutes early?

"Marinette?" Her head whipped to the side as she heard her name, just before she opened the door to the classroom. It was Adrien. The boy she'd had a crush on for over a year now. The gorgeous ball of sunshine that she practically drooled over. Correction, she DID drool over him. Why was he talking to her? Not that she didn't want him to, they were friends after all. But they never really talked much as friends, more like acquaintances.

"Adrien! Morning to good you! I MEAN- Good afternoo- good morning!" Marinette groaned inwardly at herself. Why was it that whenever she looked at him she couldn't even think like a normal human being?

"Good morning to you too, Marinette," he chuckled and adjusted the strap of his school bag. "You're here early," he pointed out. Marinette nodded, tucking a stay hair behind her ear with a goofy smile.

"Uh, yeah! I went to bed early last night, so I guess that's part of the reason I'm here this early, I guess," she ranted nervously.

"I'm sure you did," he gave her a fond smile before reaching behind her to open the door. Upon this action, Marinette felt her face heat up hotter than the sun. She wasn't used to his close proximity. "After you," he offered, the gentleman. This was one of the reasons Marinette fell for him so hard. He was so nice.


"Good morning, class!" Madame Bustier greeted with a broad grin, her gentle blue eyes sparkling. "I have amazing news!" She ran around behind her desk and grabbed what looked like an invitation. The class stared curiously at their teacher, who seemed to be bursting with excitement. "Out of more than a thousand applicants, our class won a trip to China to attend their princess' coronation next weekend!" Marinette stiffened at the announcement. She and her parents had gotten so good at hiding their secret, she even forgot about it.

The truth was, Marinette was the forgotten princess of China. They had moved to paris to hide out from assassins that were out to kill the royal family. If her parents decided to coronate her next weekend, then the assassins must have been caught. But why didn't they tell her?

"What's wrong, Maritrash?" Chloe mocked, bringing Marinette out of her trance. "Worried that you won't be able to afford the plane ticket?" She cackled with Sabrina as Marinette rolled her eyes at the blonde girl.

"I'm more worried that I would have to sit next to you, Chloe," she remarked with a sour expression, one that made the class laugh.

Adrien snorted, making Marinette raise her eyebrows in surprise. She didn't expect him to laugh too, after all, he and Chloe were friends.


The field trip forms went out that same day, the whole class got their parents' permission to go, even Adrien, which was surprising enough. The mere fact that his father said yes meant a lot to him.

Marinette couldn't help but get anxious, not only were her class and all of her friends about to find out she was a princess, but Adrien was coming too!

Honestly, she could do without the anxiety.

What do you guys think of this chapter? Questions? Comments? Concerns?

I think I like this version better, it's more me, but reviews are appreciated, as well as constructive criticism.

The last thing I wanted to say was.... I really missed you guys, hopefully I can complete this book and not disappoint you all with my horrible time management skills.

Luv u!

- Mari

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