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Alya called her a lot.

They were in different hotel rooms and the class had a curfew since it was a different country, but the only times she called was when she was away from her cell.

In the shower.

In the bathroom.

Not in the room.

Before bed.

She was so tired at that point that she just didn't pick up the last call. She just went to sleep.

The next day, Ms. Bustier partnered everyone up for a tour of the Wall of China.

"Alya and Nino, Alix and Kim, Lila and Sabrina, Chloe and Nathaniel, Mylene and Ivan, Adrien and Marinette, Rose and Max, and Juleka since you don't feel well, you're with me."

"Actually, Ms. Bustier, I get overwhelmed when I'm in a foreign country and don't understand anything, may I switch partners with Marinette?" Lila fibbed pitifully.

"That's okay, Lila, we'll have a translator. You don't have to switch with Marinette," Ms. Bustier smiled sweetly, but made Marinette snort.

Then she remembered.

She was partners with Adrien!


"Hmm?" She turned around abruptly, almost colliding with his chest. She laughed nervously and cleared her throat. "Need you do something?"


"I mean— do you need something?" She smiled nervously at his as he chuckled.

"Yeah, you know chinese, right?" He asked her. She nodded. "Good because I can speak it but I still have trouble reading it... do you think you can help me out?" He asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure, no problem," she smiled brightly at him, stopping him in his tracks. He let out a smile and sighed, following her and the class on the wall. Marinette couldn't help but admire him. It took a lot to humble down and ask for help from others. Adrien never thought of himself as better than anyone. Another reason why she was in love with him.

"Watch out!" Adrien cried out as a man pushed and shoved through the crowds a purse in his hand. Adrien was about to pull her away when he saw that she tripped the man with her foot and snatched the purse.

"This purse doesn't go with your outfit at all," she told the man in Chinese, making Adrien laugh loudly. A woman ran up to Marinette, bowing profusely as Marinette returned the purse.

"Thank you, Princess,"

"Don't worry about it," she smiled and walked back to the class. They cheered for and complimented her, making her smile brightly. Adrien only stared in confusion. Princess?

Their class went back to the hotel in high spirits. Marinette especially. She got to help Adrien with his Chinese, she helped a lady who got her purse stolen. Everyone recognized her as their princess— everyone recognized her as their princess???

That's not good!

Adrien understood Chinese! It was only a matter of time before he asked her why everyone was calling her princess!!!!!

Marinette shoved her face into her pillow and screamed. Frederick poked his head out from the bathroom.

"Frustrated, are you?" He asked, unfazed by how dramatic she was being. But no, he was the dramatic one.

"Yes! Everyone recognized me as the princess— everyone but my class— but Adrien heard them! He speaks Chinese!!!!"

"Oy vey," Frederick muttered and passed a hand through his neat black hair. "You're in quite a pickle, My Lady,"

"Don't you 'my lady' me! Help me out, here!"

"And how would I do that?"

"I don't know just— ugh!" She face-planted into the pillow and let out a frustrated scream. Again. Frederick only chuckled and sat next to her on the bed.

"It'll be alright, Marinette," he pulled her hair ties out and stroked her hair. Marinette looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"You think so?"

"Yes, I think so. If your friends are true friends, they will get over it when they find out. They'll be happy for you, it'll be fine," he planted a kiss on her forehead and covered her body with the comforter. "Now go to bed. Your parents arrived this morning and your grandfather wants to hold a dinner with you three."

Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug.

"Thank you, Bassy,"

"Stop calling me that,"

"Okay sorry," Marinette giggled and kissed his cheek. "Good night, Frederick." She laid down and drifted off to sleep. Frederick smiled down at the girl who changed his life for the better. He was kicked out of his home, wandering the streets aimlessly, when a little four year old girl went up to him and asked if he could tie her shoelaces. Her parents weren't around so he tied the shoes and she declared him her new big brother.

The royal family took him in, gave him a place to live, food to eat, they even offered him a job as their butler and personal caregiver for Marinette, for when they were out of town. He accepted the job, but rejected the payment. They had already given him so much. He felt like part of the family.

Frederick pushed a stray hair away from her face. He loved his little sister so much, words could not describe how much he loved her.

"I love you," he whispered, making her smile in her sleep.

"I love you too, Bassy," she mumbled and continued on snoring. Frederick shook his head and smiled, turning off the light and exiting the room.

"What were you doing in there?" Frederick raised a brow as a blond boy with green eyes stood in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Frederick asked, did he know Marinette was staying there?

"That's Marinette's room, isn't it?" Adrien frowned at him.

"Yes it is, but who told you that?"

"I asked around. Now I'm going to ask you again. What were you doing in Marinette's bedroom?" Adrien scowled as Frederick finally understood the situation.

"Mr. Agreste, I think you misunderstood,"

"Then enlighten me," he snapped.

Frederick approved of him. He would treat his sister well.

"I was just putting her to bed, nothing more, nothing less,"

"She doesn't need people to put her to bed so why were you really in there—"

"Mr. Agreste, have in mind that I think of Marinette as my little sister, whom I love very much, are you insinuating that I hurt her?" Frederick frowned. Adrien's face softened and he sighed.

"No... I'm just worried about her. She's been acting weird lately," Adrien rubbed his face with his hand. "And then I saw you coming out of her room and didn't know what to think,"

"Understandable." He nodded, not knowing what he would do in a similar situation. "But Marinette is just nervous to be back. She still has to meet some of her relatives and she's anxious," Frederick explained truthfully.

"Oh, I get it now, of course she'd be nervous, I'm sorry..."


"Right, Frederick. Sorry, I'm not good with names," he laughed sheepishly and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Mr. Agreste?"

"Call me Adrien, please,"

"Alright, Adrien. All I ask is that you treat her the way she deserves,"

"What?" Adrien flushed bright red as Frederick said this.

"Good night, Adrien," Frederick smirked inwardly and left the hotel.

Adrien calmed his blush and sighed, wanting to knock, but decided against it. She was asleep. She needed her rest. And so did he.

He sighed and turned to go back to his hotel room.

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