Part 2A: Miss Aphrodite Scarlett (The Quad)

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Part 2A: Miss Aphrodite Scarlett

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Part 2A: Miss Aphrodite Scarlett


Amongst the sirens, parental heartache, and transition to a full lockdown, you notice two people have slipped away. You find yourself curious as to who would disappear during such a grim moment as this. Equipped with your curiosity, which is famous in a phrase where curiosity is known to kill a cat you decide to move away from your original seat, a row behind the recently murdered, Patrice Brewer. You slip away towards the backstage of the theatre under the guise of using the lavatory.

As soon as you enter the main hallway that is connected to the inner workings of the school, you are able to spot two females arguing in the quad. You exit the hallway, approaching the doors to the quad and you find two of your classmates: Miss Patience White, a Junior, and Miss Aphrodite Scarlett, a Senior, arguing.

At the end of their argument, you approach them just as Patience decides to leave towards the football field in a fit of annoyance. You make the decision to approach the one who remained first, Miss Scarlett.

You ask them if they might be able to clarify the situation.

|You| "Thank you for sitting down with me. I don't particularly like crowded theaters."

|Miss Aphrodite Scarlett| "No of course not. It's not like we're suspected of murder or anything."

|You| "Right. Why did you slip away? Were you close to Patti?"

|Miss Scarlett| "By what exactly do you mean close? We were best friends in the 8th grade, how much closer can you get than having a best friend pact? You were in Mrs. Peacock's class just as long as I. Patti was my best friend and she helped me through my breakup with Mr. Gilderoy Green, the editor-in-chief of The Academy Times."

|You| "You had a summer fling with Gilderoy Green?"

|Miss Scarlett| "Yes, and without the support of Patti, I would have never done the proper research to realize that I'm asexual."

|You| "Yet you had a relationship with the town's newspaper intern?"

|Miss Scarlett| "Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction, not the lack of romantic appeal with another person. However, of course with Gilderoy, the relationship had become platonic. He's devoted to his future at our local newspaper. I haven't a clue as to why he's worrying, he's the only intern there. Aside from his one and only love of editorial writing, I know that he ended up falling in a love triangle with Patti and another girl."

|You| "What I mean is, since you and Patti were close, it must have been terrifying to see what had just happened? Where were you before her murder?"

|Miss Scarlett| "Before the murder? I was preparing Mrs. Peacock for her date. She was supposed to bring a special someone to the film screening as part of her role on the school's board."

|You| "Isn't she married? Do you know who this special-someone is?"

|Miss Scarlett| "Alas, she is now a widow, but the special someone? That she never told revealed."

|You| "Last question. Do you know where Miss Patience White is?"

|Miss Scarlett| "Somewhere near the football field, last time I saw her. She's in a foul mood."

Miss Scarlett decides to move back towards the theater after deciding it was too cold outside. With your answers from Miss Scarlett, you decide to approach Miss Patience White.


Continue to next chapter (Part 2B)

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