Knowing the unknown

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When atoms decided to get so messed up that nothing and everything was so unclear. That’s when universe decided to call this cosmos Human beings, we are the most disoriented specie found on entire universe. One human understanding another human is as possible as finding a mermaid on our voyage to Caribbean seas and understanding one own self is a just theory but why? How can an object don’t know about itself? The most simple answer to that is, it’s easier when things are unknown. Imagine two friends talking about someone, they will say anything and everything about them without feeling any sense of restrictions about their words because that’s how people talk to their friends talk to people they trust they can mock someone with them and not feel like they’re mocking them they will say something apparently inappropriate but they wouldn’t realize it because they know that the person they are talking about is unknown to all the remarks made about him so even if they respect that person with all of their hearts they won’t find it wrong to talk about them show pity or sympathy towards them criticize them because what they know is they respect that person and that person cannot hear them so being oblivious to the unknown everything will be cool until they find out that the person they talk about can hear them he can see he can feel all those words expectorating out of their mouths how will those friends feel then? Embarrassed? Ashamed? They will feel their heart sinking to the deep bottom of their chest why? Why does it matter now, they still respect him equally they still care about him but what is this sinking feeling for. That’s the power of knowing the unknown it becomes complicated it changes the way of how he will feel now with them how he will always think about what he has heard how they will be always embarrassed in front of him knowing the unknown changes everything it can make a good person the worst person in the room where you are hopeless and helpless because you know but you can’t say.  

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