FEAR (forget everything and run)

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Fear for me is an assumption of human mind.
Our mind make us think something can be harmful and when we encounter such thing it make us feel unprotected and frightened.
There can be two types of fear
The fear that is psychological like fear of heights, fear of darkness, fear of confinement, fear of a certain animal or insect this is something we cant explain this is something that is part of us but we don't how when or why it became a part of us.
And then there comes a logical fear.
The fear that our mind understands we know the reasons the facts about why we have that fear and when we developed it.
That fear plays a role to change your personality.
For example you experience something and that changes your perspective about that thing and how you percieve things related to that experience.
Like I have a fear of oblivion and makes me hoard memories I write what I feel and I write dates and events that are happening in my life because I don't ever want to forget them I keep a track of people who I have in my life and people who I care about I hold on to everything that has happened in past and I fear to let it go because I fear forgetfulness and I know why I fear that.

So fear is nothing but an abstract possibility created by our mind in respect to our nature and personality and experiences.

So I think what makes our fear, scary is inside us and we can't always control that. We can't get a hold of our fears like we can't get a hold of what we think everytime sometimes our thoughts just carelessly wonders to somewhere forbidden but we can't do anything about it same is with the fear. You can not always *face everything and rise*

Sometimes you just have to let it be and run!

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