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"Good afternoon, San. How are you feeling?"

The guy sitting in the hospital bed looked up at the other who had addressed him. "I'm fine?" he mumbled back. He knew that the man in the long white coat was a doctor, but for the life of him, he could not remember his name. Hell, San couldn't even remember how long he'd been in the hospital for.

"That's good. That's good," the doctor sat his clipboard on the bedside table and took his stethoscope off of his neck, "I'm going to check your breathing. Could you sit up for me, please?"

He nodded and pulled his sore body upright. San took deep breaths according to the doctor's instructions while he held the instrument in different places on his back and chest. After a couple of quiet and remarkably long few minutes, the doctor finally put it aside.

"Everything sounds good in there," the man smiled, "Your cuts and bruises are healing nicely as well." San chuckled awkwardly. He relaxed against the back of the firm bed when the doctor backed further away. 

"San?" a new voice called from the doorway. San stared at the guy, and then he looked back at his doctor to see if he knew who it was. The doctor beckoned the guy into the room. Five others trailed in behind him, and the doctor just allowed them to. San wanted to sleep. He didn't want some charity coming in and disturbing him.

"Oh my lord, San!" the last one cheered.

"How do you feel?" The tallest one was smiling at him like some sort of doof.

"Geez, dude. We missed you!" another one exclaimed.

"I...," San paused, "I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

"These boys are your friends," the doctor explained. San proceeded to gawk. He really did not remember them at all. But for some odd reason they all suddenly looked... sad.

"I'm Hongjoong," the first guy said, "And that's Jongho, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, and Mingi."

The doctor gave Hongjoong's shoulder a friendly pat, "San has partial amnesia. The best thing you can do, in his case, is to show him pictures and tell him stories about himself."

"Will he ever get all of his memories back?" Mingi asked, picking at his fingernails.

The doctor shook his head softly, "I can't give you a definite answer on that. Sometimes they never fully come back... but sometimes they do. You just have to be patient with him and have hope."

"Thank you, sir." Seonghwa looked at the curious boy on the bed, "We'll do our best to help San."

"With friends as good as you all, I'm sure he will continue to improve," the doctor told them, "Hopefully, he will be able to be discharged within the next day or so. Anyway, I'll leave you alone now. A nurse should be able to help if you need anything else." With those words, the doctor withdrew from the crowd of boys.

They slowly gathered closer to San's bed. Mingi sat in the chair closest to him while San continued to feel as disoriented as ever. "So, what would you like to hear about yourself first?" Mingi asked, attempting to be as positive as possible.

San thought for a second before answering. "What was I like? Personality-wise, I mean."

"You were always trying to make people laugh," Yeosang said.

Mingi agreed, "You were also very determined. If you wanted something, you went for it."

"And protective," Seonhwa added.

"You never showed it a whole lot, but you had a huge soft spot on the inside. Someone gave you a plush dog when you were little, and you named him-"

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