Fifteen 🧜🏻‍♂️

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Back at Josh's home, Ashley and Abigail become extremely worried about Jordan, since he wasn't seen returning home.

When they go out to search for him, they find him sitting by the cove, dabbing his feet into the water, and running his hand through it.

They go to him, and they sit next to him.

"Jordan, what's wrong?" Ashley asked.

He lifts his head to her. His eyes are red, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Jordan, what happened?" Abby asked.

He took a deep breath.

"I went to see Tyler."


The boy turned away, his voice breaking.

"He won't believe Josh is the one!"

Jordan buried his face in his hands, sobbing over his little brother. Abby started to weep, but Ashley didn't speak.

"I don't believe it." Abby said. "We're too late."

"No, we aren't!" Ashley cried.

"Yes we are!" Jordan said. "Tyler is gonna marry the girl he thought saved him, and Josh is gonna turn into sea foam!"

"Not if we reverse the spell!"

"How do we reverse the spell?" Abby asked.

"We go to the sea witch and command her to change Josh back into a merman!"

"But Ashley, she's a powerful sorcerer! She can never do what you wish!"

"I will do whatever it takes to get our beloved little brother back!"

Taking in her sister's words, Abby got to her feet.

"You're right, Ashley! Let's do it!"

The two sisters looked down to their little brother, still doubting. Ashley kneels next to him.

"Are you with us, Jordan?"

He looked to his sister.

"More than anything." He replied. "But I'm afraid Josh will die before we save him."

"All the more reason why we must hurry, because if we don't do anything, then we'll be too late."

Those words brought Jordan to the understanding that his little brother's life was on the line. He took his sister's hands and got to his feet.

"Alright, let's go save our brother."

That evening, the older siblings gathered at the cove, dressed in black jumpsuits. They didn't have any breathing equipment, knowing that motivation was the only thing that could keep them alive.

One by one, they jumped into the water, and dove into the depths of the ocean.

The deeper they went, the closer they got finding the sea witch's lair.

As they swam, Jordan started thinking about his brother, and how he'd ask his mother to see him at a young age.

Mrs. Laura would always deny him, and say that he never existed, but Jordan knew he had a brother, and never stopped wishing to see him.

When the day came that he got to see his brother, he was delighted. He thought having a merman as a brother was the best thing that could happen to him.

Now that he was going to die, it hit him harder than ever.

His thoughts went through him so quickly, it caused him to lose his ability to breathe underwater.

Jordan tried to keep going, but the ocean was too much for him to bare. The boy stopped moving and sank to sink into the sea floor.

Ashley, feeling concerned for her siblings, turned around to check on them. She saw Abby was there, but Jordan was no where to be seen.

"Abby, where's Jordan?"

The girl shook her head.

"I don't know. I thought he was behind me."

Abby turned around and saw Jordan sinking into the ocean.

In a panic, the sisters swam to their brother, pulling his lifeless body into their grip.

"Jordan? Jordan, can you hear us?"

The boy doesn't respond. His eyes are wide open, with bubbles coming out of his mouth. Abby bursts into tears, shaking her brother.

"N-No! Jordan, wake up!"

The girl tries desperately to save him, but she finds herself loosing the ability to breathe as well.

Ashley realizes that she's loosing motivation, which has caused Jordan to lose his life.

She takes Abby's shoulder.

"Jordan couldn't handle the thought of losing Josh. That's why he's dead. If you fall into despair, it will kill you too."

"No, but I-"

"Abby, we have to go on. For Jordan's sake."

Realizing that his little brother is gone, Abby closes his eyes and releases his body, watching him sink into the darkness of the ocean.

After a brief moment of mourning, Abby becomes even more motivated to save Josh, and continues on with Ashley.

Eventually, they reach the sea witch's lair, and are met with a terrifying creature, which is the sea witch herself.

"I know why you've came." She said. "You've come to save your voiceless brother who wants to become human."

"Yes." Ashley said.

"I was informed that there was three of you, but I only see two. Where is the other?"

Ashley lowered her head.

"He drowned in the sea before he could reach you."

The sea witch stood sternly.

"How unfortunate, especially after what I offered your merman of a brother. Why have you come to save him?"

Ashley took a deep breath.

"He was unable to convince the boy that he saved him from drowning."

The sea witch scoffed.

"Foolish boy. I warned him that becoming human would bring him great sorrow."

"But we still want to save him!" Abby cried. "We'll give you whatever you want in return!"

The sea witch turned to them, revealing her face.



The sea witch chuckled silently, and grabbed her knife, casting a powerful spell over it.

"I know what you'll give me."

The two sisters looked at each other, but not long before they were met with an unexpected price.

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