Seventeen 🧜🏻‍♂️

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The next night was the wedding. Josh was all dressed in his suit and watched in tears as Tyler married the love of his life, whom he believed was the one who saved him from drowning.

After the ceremony, the reception was held on a rental yacht. Everyone was having a good time, but Josh hid himself in a corner, sobbing uncontrollably.

His life was slipping away, and he couldn't stop it from ending.

Josh gave up everything to be with the one he loves. His voice, his heart, and his soul.

He suffered so much pain to earn the human soul he longed for, and now it was all for nothing.

Josh remembered what the sea witch told him.

"If the boy chooses to love another, your heart will break, and the very next sunrise, you will die and dissolve into sea foam upon the waves."

Josh put his hand on his chest, feeling that he barely had his heart anymore. It felt flat and had no heartbeat.

The poor merman knew his time was running out, and once the sun arose, his death would come.

After Tyler fell asleep, Josh decided to express his feelings to his love before his death.

By writing a goodbye note.

As he wrote it, tears fell from his eyes and dropped onto the paper. It became a sign of how much Josh loved Tyler, and wanted him to know that he was one who saved his life.

After finishing the note, Josh walked onto the deck to deliver it, but before he could, he heard someone calling his name.


The merman looked around the deck, but couldn't find anyone.

Until he heard it again, followed by another voice.

"Josh! Look down!"

Josh looked below the deck and saw his two sisters in the water.

They didn't look like their normal selves.

"Josh, our dear little brother!" Abby called.

"We thought we were too late!"

Josh shook his head, giving a small grin.

As he looked down upon his beloved siblings, he noticed Jordan wasn't with them.

"Jordan. My beloved brother. Where is he?"

Ashley and Abby knew what Josh was thinking, and they broke into sadness.

"Jordan went to Tyler and tried to convince him that you were the one who saved his life, but he wouldn't believe him." Ashley said.

"He was so afraid of loosing you, that we decided to go to the sea witch and convince herself ourselves. Abby added.

"As we got closer, Jordan's strength slipped away from him, and he drowned."

Abby wept.

"We tried to save him... but he was already gone."

When Josh heard this, tears streamed down his cheeks. He was heartbroken to know his dear brother was dead, and it was all for him.

"Abby and I continued on, and we told the sea witch about you. She said she'd help you, but we had to give her something in return."

Josh looked to them, wondering what they meant.

And that's when their tails rose from the water.

"We had to give up our human souls, and become mermaids." Ashley said.

"And we brought you this, to save you!" Abby cried.

She threw something onto the deck.

When Josh picked it up, he saw it was a dagger.

"You have to kill Tyler! Ashley cried. "It's the only way you can still live!"

"Once his blood drips onto your feet, you'll become a merman again!" Abby added.

"You have until sunrise to do this! It must be done now!"

"You won't have another chance, dear little brother! It's either your life or his!"

"Do it, Josh, and come back to us!"

Ashley and Abby disappeared into the water, leaving Josh all alone, with the dagger in his hands.

As much as he wanted the human soul of his own, he couldn't bare the thought of taking Tyler's life. He loved him so much.

But the poor merman was too fearful of his own death.

So he chose to kill him.

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