2/14 Part II

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"Come one, come all, come in pairs!" A particular man dressed in an apron with a peppy attitude announced as the crowds in between the rows of different stalls and stands and booths started to increase in numbers.

The Coff-Lee booth in particular had a large prize wheel set up on the cement ground to the side of the concessions counter that was already making profits from delicious hot and cold coffee and pastries of all different kinds. The bright colors of the wheel slices, on the verge of being able to be considered neon, were visible from the end of the row. Compared to some of the other booths around them, Coff-Lee had a significant amount of people clumped at the counter and around the wheel.

Renjun stood to the right of the wheel, while Jaemin stood to the left of it, twiddling his thumbs while he glanced around the crows that stared at them. He wasn't oblivious to the groups of girls and boys that were visibly fawning over him and Renjun. Renjun didn't seem to be bothered by this, his confidence shining through the roof. But people recognized Jaemin as a cute new boy, and he was getting stared up and down entirely by more people than ever before. It left him silent, fixing his wispy hair as Renjun continued to speak.

"We at Coff-Lee have designed a special event for all of you visitors to our booth!" Renjun was now explaining the event they were supposed to be supervising. More people stopped by to listen to the rules that Jaemin had only heard of about twenty minutes ago.

"The rules are simple: you pick one other person to participate and stand in line. When it comes to be your turn, you and your partner will spin this big ass wheel," he gestured to the wheel, and his comment made the audience chuckle. "There is a different action on each slice of the wheel, and as a 'couple' you two will have to complete such things like kiss on cheek, coffee love shot, French kiss, etc. On some slices there are also straight up prizes that you and the other person can get for free at our counter to the right.

If as a team you complete your action successfully, no chickening out, you both with get a medium iced or hot coffee at Coff-Lee, free of charge! Anybody can play, whether you two are a couple or not, and anybody can watch as well if they don't wish to play. The fee for spinning the wheel is $2 per person." Renjun gestured towards the wheel again, sending a look towards the crowd that was now plentiful, "So, who wants to play? Just line up next to Jaemin right here and he'll take your payments."

Immediately, the crowd split up into two groups, a big line of pairs next to Jaemin, awaiting their turn of the game, and a good number of people still standing just to watch until they could get into a smaller line.

Smiling a little, Jaemin greeted the first pair in line and took their money, allowing them to walk over to Renjun's side and spin the wheel. Him and Renjun had agreed to alternate between announcing the action that the wheel had landed on, and it was Jaemin that offered to go first. When the object finally stopped twirling, Jaemin stepped out, read the action and stepped back into place, looking at the pair who had gone first. "Your action is to," he paused for suspense, "peck each other on the cheek."

The pair looked like a couple, but one that hadn't been together for too long, because both of them blushed at Jaemin's words. Still, the girl leaned forward to give her boyfriend a lasting peck on the cheek, and so did he to her. Just when they were about to move away from each other, the boyfriend gently took his girl's chin with his hand and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. In a couple seconds they pulled away, and the girl hid her face in her boyfriend's neck, too shy to look at everyone around her.

Renjun smiled at the two, nodding at the boyfriend, who was looking around at the cheering crowd as he caressed his partner. "That was a very sweet interaction between our first couple! You two have nothing to be worried about, you look absolutely adorable together," he gushed, "Enjoy your coffees, lovebirds!" Renjun sent them off and allowed the next pair to hand Jaemin their money and step up to the wheel.

Throughout the next couple of hours there were all sorts of interactions, ranging from platonic little actions of love between friends to steamy couple moments of tension, that all sent the people watching into different levels of cooing, panicking and squealing. Most were successful, but there were a couple of pairs that decided to accept defeat, and thankfully everyone was supportive of them and didn't pressure anyone to complete an action they didn't feel comfortable doing.

Everything was going normal. That is, until a pair of girls came up to Renjun and handed him twice the amount needed, not going to spin the wheel right after like the others had.

Jaemin raised an eyebrow, confused. "Excuse me," he said politely, "I think you gave me too much. The price would be $4 for the two of you."

The two girls nodded. "We know," the girl to the right said, "we have a special request."

Jaemin turned to Renjun, sending him a look that said Are we allowed to do this? Renjun only shrugged, smiling back at the girls. "Sure, what is it?" he asked.

"We pay for double, and you two spin the wheel together," the girl to the left responded. Jaemin's jaw dropped slightly, shocked at who the girls were pointing at. Did they mean him and Renjun? The audience squealed, a big commotion of conversation stirring up because of this request.

When Jaemin turned back to face Renjun, he saw that the other wasn't as shocked as him, but rather smiling with arms crossed. He had an expectant look on his face, "What do you say, Minnie?" The crowd squealed even louder at the nickname. There were now more people surrounding the wheel, trying to see what everyone was screaming for.

Hesitantly, Jaemin nodded in agreement, walking over to stand next to the shorter man. Together, they placed their hands on the side of the wheel, some fingers overlapped as they gathered force and prepared to spin the wheel. They were about to let go when a voice next to them interrupted the anticipation.

"What about me?" Jeno asked from the side, almost sounding disappointed. He looked at the pair of girls that stood at the other side of the wheel. "Can I join these two?"

The girls squealed and nodded, almost jumping in place. It seemed like the rest of the audience also had that reaction from the third handsome man that popped out of nowhere. "You can spin the wheel," one of the girls said, "And you have to do whatever your action is as a trio. We'll even pay extra, then!"

Jeno nodded, placing his hand in between the other two's hands, right on top of both. They all gripped the side of the wheel, prepared to spin it once again, this time with an additional member. The crowd, all at once, counted them in.

"Three. Two. One. Spin!"


Finally another update! I feel like I haven't updated in ages, but that was because my teachers decided to dump a bunch of work on us the very last week of school.

Good news, though! My summer has started now, no more work! So I will be having more free time to write and update for you guys.

Any guesses on what the wheel will land on next chapter? I swear that part three will be the last part of this day haha

Have a nice day, thanks for reading!

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