2/25 Part I

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"Hi, what can I get for you today?" Jaemin smiled sweetly at what must've been the hundredth customer for just that morning.

"I'd like a hot caramel coffee with whipped cream, please," the girl at the other side of the register counter giggled, tucking a stand of golden brown colored hair behind her ear in attempt to seem more attractive to the one taking her order.

"Sure, it'll take a moment," Jaemin turned around, walking to the side to grab a cup before moving to complete the order. He rolled eyes at the obvious attempts at flirting, but he could care less about who was trying. He already had his eyes set on a certain pair.

If he was completely honest, he would have to say that he liked this job. It wasn't for him to stay at permanently, he couldn't imagine that at all. It was tiring, also, having to put energy into each costumer's greeting at the counter.

However, he was happy to be in an atmosphere like this, even if it was busy and a bit loud at times. Another plus was that he got to see Jeno and Renjun many times throughout the day.

While he was carefully pouring the coffee into the styrofoam cup he'd grabbed, he felt a hand gentle take its place on his shoulder.

Looking to the side after carefully setting down the coffee container, Jaemin smiled when he saw the sight in front of him.

Jeno was comfortably dressed in a dark brown thin turtleneck, along aprons that were still part of the work uniform. His platinum hair was now growing out, with dark colored roots and ends that reached down to tickled the top of his cheekbones.

He said he was going to to cut it soon, but Jaemin secretly admired the length, curious to see how it would look if he grew it out a tad bit more.

"What's up?" Jaemin asked, reaching up for the caramel syrup. Jeno took it for him, handing it to him.

When their fingers brushed against each other, they both seemed to glance away in shyness.

"Just... checking in on you, Min," Jeno let his fingers lightly drum against the soft fabric of Jaemin's tee shirt that hung off his shoulder. "Me and Injun miss you in the kitchen. Are you tired?"

Jaemin shook his head, setting down the cup of coffee that now had swirls of gold floating among the dark liquid. When Jaemin walked to the small refrigerator, Jeno followed, letting his hand fall to his own side.

"I'm doing fine, Jeno," Jaemin took out a can of whipped cream, swirling it it one go over the top of the coffee that floated around neatly in the cup. The sweet cream covered the steam that came from the coffee before and slowly started to melt into the drink.

He went over and grabbed a hot lid cup, capping the drink and taking it over to the counter. "You don't have to worry about me," he said to Jeno before facing the girl that was waiting patiently.

She hid some of her face with her hand as she glanced in between the two men with a flustered face. There were now two attractive baristas in front of her.

"That'll be $3.67, miss," Jaemin smiled, sliding the drink carefully to the girl and pressing some buttons on the cash register.

"I really like your hair, Jaemin," The girl winked while handing him the money.

"Ah, thank you. Your's is nice too," Jaemin said, confused, as he ripped off the receipt and handed her the change.

"I'd prefer you not flirt with the customers, Jaemin," Jeno said from beside him in a low and scary voice that sent shivers down Jaemin's spine.

"I'm not flirting with them," Jaemin gulped, but then an idea popped into his head and his face was cleared of any fear.

He turned to the next costumer, leaning forward against his side of the counter, "And what would this lovely lady like to order?" The girl that had stepped up was blushing, her eyes mesmerized with the handsome barista in front of her.

"Uh... Can I have your number?" She gulped, biting her lip in nervousness.

Jaemin was about to say something, opening his mouth but Jeno answered the question for him instead. He thought Jeno would say something about how it was inappropriate to give your personal information to customers, but instead...

"I'm sorry, he's already dating. I'm afraid he can't be in a relationship with you."

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, looking up with a questioning expression at Jeno. Jeno refused to look at either Jaemin or the girl, crossing his arms and holding his head high with a gaze directed elsewhere.

"Ask what she wants and take care of it. Injun and I will be waiting for you in the kitchen once your lunch break starts, don't you dare go anywhere else first." Jeno walked away without another word, disappearing into the kitchen.

Jaemin chuckled to himself, turning back to the girl dying of embarrassment.

"So, what would you actually like?"

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