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Night time. Again, it was the time of day that Jaemin both loved and despised so much, although possibly there were more good things about it than the day. The past couple of days have been fairly cold, but the weatherman had predicted a rise in temperature as the next few days passed, so that was something to look forward. Although Jaemin liked the cold weather because he was able to add more layers to his outfits every day, he did prefer the light colors and bright patterns that started to become trendy in the warmer seasons.

The bus he was riding stopped at the street he had to get off on, so he stood up from his seat among the nearly empty interior of the bus. Walking out onto the street, he watched as the vehicle closed its doors and rode out to its next destination without hesitation, until the blurry lights that blended in with the rain pouring down were no longer visible. It wasn't raining to an extreme, but Jaemin had forgot to bring an umbrella today so his hair immediately went damp, and so did the shoulders of his coat.

He let out a sigh before pulling up his hood, sticking his hands into his pockets as he started the short walk home. He would do anything to be able to stay on that bus until the last stop, take a couple more buses, maybe board a train and start a new life wherever he ended up. But there were many reasons why he couldn't do as he wished.

Surprisingly, his dreams were the main reason he needed to stay. After all the begging imaginable and working hard to earn a scholarship for the fashion institute he was attending now, his parents finally allowed him to study what he was most passionate about. Leaving and giving up on fashion would be admitting defeat to himself and his parents, and that was something he wasn't ready to do. His parents were nice people, yes, but they were never fans of the career path Jaemin had slowly gravitated towards throughout his childhood.

After all this work to be where he was right now, he couldn't give up, even if he wasn't satisfied with the amount of sleep he would get each night or how he would forget to eat or drink sometimes because of the institute. Jeno and Renjun were lucky, being able to cook and prepare food, practically being around it all of the time. They wouldn't ever forget to sleep or eat. The words that Renjun said to him the other day ran through his mind. He had said them with such radiating care that they returned to him every time he would stay up past midnight working. Strange, it was almost as if Renjun was here right next to him at this very moment, as if Jaemin could hear the older calling out his name from a distance.

"Jaemin! Na Jaemin!" A familiar voice screamed his name from behind. Jaemin turned around and there he was, Renjun running towards him with a bag in his right hand and an umbrella in his left. Speak of the devil. Jaemin was about to turn around and continue walking home, but by the time he had the thought to Renjun was already standing in front of him, bent slightly forward as he panted heavily from the sprint.

The sunny boy looked up at the taller when he regained his breath, raising his umbrella so both of them were protected from the dripping rain. Renjun grinned, "Don't you know you're getting wet? You're dumb."

Jaemin wanted to coo at how Renjun was acting, but then he remembered that that would only drag him deeper into the quicksand. Keeping a straight face he said, "I forgot to bring an umbrella. Who knew it would rain?"

Renjun studied Jaemin's face for a moment, looking at every part before he looked away and laughed at the other's expression. As much as he wanted to, Jaemin couldn't keep his cold stare on his face when an literal angel was staring at him for that long. "Come on," Renjun said, staring to walk forward.

Confused, Jaemin didn't follow. "Huh?" he questioned.

"I'll walk you home," Renjun's smile could be seen from a mile away, even in the midnight darkness. He looked like a god among the falling water. "You'll have to lead the way, of course," he added.

Not being able to think of an excuse to avoid the situation that the older would believe, Jaemin nodded and accepted his fate, starting to walk with Renjun. Noticing that the shorter man's arms were both holding something, he spoke up, "Renjun?"

Renjun looked up with a wondering gaze, "Yeah, Minnie?"

Jaemin's cheeks heated up from the nickname. A good thing about the night was Renjun wouldn't be able to the redness of his skin as Jaemin continued to talk, "Can I hold the umbrella?'

With a nod, Renjun handed the umbrella to Jaemin, who held it steady above both of their heads. Renjun gently elbowed the other in the side after seeing the opportunity to tease him, "Hey! Did you say that because of my height?"

Jaemin raised his eyebrow at Renjun's sudden playfulness, but then decided to go along with it and tease him back. Turning his head so he was looking straight in front of himself, he shrugged. "Well, that's one of the reasons." He heard Renjun choke dramatically as if he was offended.

When Jaemin looked at him again, Renjun had the back of his free hand on his forehead, swaying from side to side like Jack Sparrow after gulping down a dungeon full of rum. "Is that what you think of me? I'm so hurt."

It was so hard to restrain his laughter, so instead Jaemin started laughing as silently as he could while he turned his head away so Renjun wouldn't see. Unfortunately his attempt at going unnoticed was unsuccessful.

He heard a gasp from Renjun, 'I made you laugh! Wow, I'm so proud of myself."

Jaemin quickly looked back at the other and defended himself with lies. "I'm not laughing!" he retorted, laughing audibly now.

"Oh, then what are you doing right now then?" Renjun shook a finger near Jaemin's face, unable to stop laughing as well. The two men were infecting each other with their contagious laughter.

"I'm dying from your extra ass," Jaemin poked the side of Renjun's head.

"I'm not extra, you're just bland," Renjun stuck out his tongue. Jaemin rolled his eyes playfully but soon stopped walking, staring at the door of his small apartment. He watched as Renjun walked a bit more before realizing the lack of umbrella over him and lack of Jaemin next to him. Realizing, Renjun rushed back to where Jaemin was standing.

"Is this your apartment?" Renjun asked, examining the door in front of them.

Jaemin nodded, "Yeah. So I guess this is where we part?" He started to take out his keys.

"Oh, wait!" Renjun blurted out, exchanging the umbrella in Jaemin's hand with the bag in his. "Some nom noms for you."

Jaemin shook his head, "It's okay, I don't need any food. I have some at home, and I'm not hungry right now." He tried to hand the bag back but Renjun crossed his arms in refusal.

"Don't worry, it's just some sweets I baked up back at the café. Take them and eat them." Renjun smiled, rocking back and forth on his heels as he held the umbrella high above both of them. "They're a new recipe that I developed for one of my class projects. I hope you like them!"

Jaemin looked down into the bag. For a little bit of sweets, there was quite a lot of containers. He decided not to question it. With a wholesome feeling in his heart, Jaemin sighed with a content smile and gave in to the other's charm. "Alright then. Good night, Renjun."

"Night, Minnie!" Renjun waved goodbye and Jaemin unlocked the door to his apartment, leaving the older out in the rain that had slowly turned into snow as the two were walking.

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