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Jaemin waited patiently, fiddling with the chains on either side of the swing he was holding on to. His legs pushed him along a little so he was swinging back and forth, his feet hanging above the ground by a mere inch or two.

In the morning he'd texted Jeno and Renjun to meet him in the local park near the cafe during their lunch break if they could, since he had no shifts to complete that day and it would be a fairly light work day for the other two.

He wasn't so nervous as he was anxious for them to be here already, because he just wanted to tell them everything he'd been wanting to for so long now. He had a feeling it would go just fine, so for once he wasn't doubting himself. He was going to get himself some boyfriends! Hopefully...

The toe of his shoe stubbed against the sandy pebble mix beneath him, which skewed him to the side and made the swing wobble back and forth with no distinguishable pattern.

As soon as his foot stopped drawing new tracks, stopping so he looked to be teetering on that one foot alone, Jaemin heard a familiar string of voices that made him jerk his head up in their direction.

Walking towards him was Jeno, hands stuffed into the light jacket he was wearing. Next to him, or rather all around him, was a cheerful Renjun, skipping across the grass and cement paths as if he was made of the lightest material known to man.

They were too far away for their conversation to be understandable to Jaemin, but just the sound of their voices made red roses bloom around his heart.

Jaemin hopped off the swing, deciding as he brushed off his pants that it was better to come to them than await their arrival any longer.

As soon as Jeno saw him coming their way, he took a hand out of his pockets and shook it in a slight wave. Renjun immediately noticed his boyfriend's action and turned around just to smile when he saw who it was.

"Minnie!" Renjun rushed over to wrap his arms around the taller, and Jaemin gladly returned the embrace while he alternated his gaze between the two.

After a couple moments, with Jeno joining them finally and Renjun detached from Jaemin, they stood in a stance where they could all see each other.

"So, let's get going, shall we?" Jaemin smiled, first at Jeno, then Renjun. He started to walk along the concrete path closest to them, not really knowing where he was going. It wasn't like it mattered, anyway.

Although they were confused, the couple followed put as they didn't have any reason to refuse.

'Where are we going, Min?" Jeno asked, coming to walk beside him on one side. Renjun took his place on the other side of Jaemin.

Jaemin smiled a smile of content, shut lips but obvious happiness. "Just for a walk," he shrugged, holding on to the zipper of his open jacket with a loose two-finger grip.

They walked in silence for a bit, letting their feet guide the way in which they were traveling. It was comforting, walking alongside each other with no pressure to speak or please each other. All three were satisfied enough just being together.

Eventually, Renjun broke the silence as they came to a stopped along the fence that guarded off a big lake that sparkled with afternoon sun rays.

"Minnie," he turned his back to the lake, leaning against the low railings and resting his neck against the fence that rose higher. His neck twisted to look sideways at the other two with him, specifically the one who was not yet his boyfriend, "You said you had something to talk to us about?"

Jaemin nodded, watching as Jeno moved into the same position as Renjun, although his arms were resting on the top of the fencing instead of the railings. He himself stayed facing the river so he could look at both of them.

"There's something I have to say," he stared out and watched as the first few small flocks of ducks drifted on the chilly water of the lake. "To both of you." There was a clump of them sleeping near where they were standing, but he could also see some traveling in a triangular formation in the very middle of the body of water, leaving long wispy trails behind them in form of small waves.

The silence from the other to acted as a cue for Jaemin to continue talking. He took a deep breath, deciding last minute that he was going to scrap everything he'd practiced in his head yesterday and wing it.

"I've been thinking this over by myself for a long time now," he started, smiling to calm himself down before he even got a chance to become nervous.

"And I wasn't sure how I was feeling these things, or why. I was so confused, but then time went on and it became more clear to me that I had these feelings and they were as real as ever."

He glanced sideways at Renjun, who was listening with interest, then at Jeno who looked to be struggling to hide a smile.

"I was afraid to hurt you both, and tried to stay away from you both, but you both somehow ended crawling deeper into my life. Now, after yesterday," the memories that crept into his head made him blush and chuckle to brush it off, "I'm sure that I have nothing to worry about.

Jeno. Renjun. I'm sure that I like you both, a lot. Maybe we don't know each other too well, after only one month, but I want to get to know much, much more and be around you two just as much."

Although he felt confident as the words left his lips, he couldn't look at their faces after he fell silent. He focused again on the ducks, his hands falling to his sides and fidgeting with the fingers on each.

Then he felt his hands being separated, pulled apart from their jittery state and slid into ones from each man beside him. Renjun intertwined his fingers with Jaemin's, Jeno holding his hand with one of his own and rubbing circles with the thumb of his other hand.

"We were waiting for when you were ready," Renjun smiled, swinging his arm with Jaemin's when he looked at him with a shy smile.

"We understand if you don't," Jeno laughed a little at his word choice, "But both Injun and I are polyamorous. That means we prefer to be in a relationship with more than one person. In our case, three is perfect."

Jaemin chuckled to himself, "Well, I guess you learn something new about yourself every day."

"Minnie! Did you know that our Jeno has been eyeing you since November? And he was too nervous to talk to you or tell me either." Renjun giggled, sticking out a teasing tongue to Jeno.

"Don't expose me like that! It's not true, MinMin," Jeno insisted.

However, Jaemin was focusing on something else Renjun said that made his heart flutter and almost take off flying to join the ducks that were now flying off to wherever they were flying off to.

"Our-our Jeno?" He stuttered out, looking at Renjun for the answer to the question he asked with his eyes.

"Of course," Renjun giggled. "We want you to be part of our relationship, Minnie."

"If you're okay with that!" Jeno quickly added, "If you're not ready for that yet we-"

Jaemin broke out into a wide smile, nodding enthusiastically. "No it's okay! I want to! I really want to."

His reaction released a wave of relief and happiness they were all holding in before, the three of them laughing together as if they were made to be joined like this in joy. With their arms all around each other so they were close and warm, they shared their heartbeats in a hug as the laughter continued and eventually died down.

Jeno looked down at his beloveds, "Does that mean we're...?"

Renjun looked up at both of them, picking up where Jeno left off in his sentence, "Boyfriends?"

The two of them looked at Jaemin, who laughed and nodded as he answered clearly.

"Yes. Yes, yes now we're boyfriends."

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