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Before we all went to bed that night, I told everyone about Grian's situation, and how I planned to help. It earns wary sympathy from everyone, even Think who I think hasn't liked him much from the start.

"Explains why he was so scared of me." He said, sounding pensive but also annoyed, a little. At least he gets it now?

Then we headed our separate ways. Me and Jem went to the house, where, in silence, we had a light dinner (just some sandwiches, and the pugs had some dog food) and headed to bed. While Jem is taking some time to doze off(I noticed when I went to the bed cause she got there before me), I fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillows.

Not for long.

My dreams that night are plagued with nightmares, which I haven't had in a while. Mainly centering around Grian. Grian going through those horrible things. But rather than Grian being the one that is dealing with it, it's me. Being ripped away from my friends to be tortured by someone who is obsessed with me and being forced to do things I would hate...man. I just...I just can't understand how Grian took this abuse.

I wake up after a few hours of it in a cold sweat. I look at the clock with my tired eyes and can just make out 01:16 . Yay.

But then I hear the singing.

You only need a torch when the light is low,

Only need the sun when the zombies groan,

Only know you love her when you let her go...

"Who..?" I say, under my breath as to not wake Jemma up. Listening closer, I realise it's James.

Right. Because who else would be singing at this hour in the morning? James would. Unless that's Grian's kinda thing too, but you know.

Wait. Oh, I'm stupid, or I'm stupidly slow.

Only think I've one last chance to show

Only feeling lost and so alone,

Only know your lover when you let them go...

That's James' 'song'. The song he's known for. His favourite song. He sings it when someone/something new comes into his life, or when he's feeling lonely and needs to talk. It's either in a happy mood or a sad mood and usually you can tell. Right now I can't.

Either way, guess who's grabbing a jacket and making the trip into the unknown to talk to James.

I carefully shut the door as to not wake Jem and the pugs before I go in the general direction of the noise. I'm pulled deeper into the darkness as I slowly begin to regret not bringing a flashlight.

The forest is always creepier at night. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It's so shady, so breathable, has tons of good hiding spots and is smack bang in the middle of a plains, acacia, desert and savanna. It's perfect. However I hate it at night when I can't see anything. Mobs come out at night and I can't see anyone around. You never know if someone is behind you.

Speaking of being behind you, sometimes I hear footsteps. I start running when I hear them which means I run straight into zombie, which I have to pummel off with my fists. Good thing I have enhanced strength from the crystal.

Soon enough I get to a fire. And, sure enough, James is singing while striking his guitar.

Staring at your picture from the past, replay moments from first to last

Coz days go slow, and sleep so fast

I see you when I close my eyes, hope you know how hard I tried

two british boys meet [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now