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Although the brief meeting with Harry was not particularly pleasing in the end for Peter, nor it didn't tune him into a "new successful start in college", Osborn junior was right about something. Being alone in the room definitely had several benefits. First, he didn't have to sneak in front of anyone in Spider-Man's costume, no one disturbed him while learning, and no one blocked his bathroom. However, he could enjoy this freedom for almost a week.

He was working on his Organic Chemistry Exercise assignment, when his spider's instinct suddenly sounded to alarm. The door opened, and then his new roommate came in and pulled his suitcase behind him, just like himself a few days ago.

"Hello. I'm sorry I rushed in like this, but my last room didn't have heating, so I was assigned here. They said that you have a vacancy here," he explained, holding out his hand to Peter. "Alex Pleasur," introduced himself. Peter squeezed his hand, but he couldn't help himself to not frowning. His instinct still didn't calm down, despite that there was obviously no danger. That it would be because of Alex? But Alex seemed a completely normal student. Even his appearance was less pronounced than Herry's.

Alex was blonde and probably the same age as Peter. He had dark, serious auburn eyes and an athlete figure. However, he was dressed in plain jeans, a pulled-out T-shirt, and sneakers that made a sloppy impression. He looked like every other, and although Peter knew full well that the first impression could often be completely misleading, it seemed unlikely that his new roommate would be dangerous in any way.

"Peter Parker," he said, closing his eyes to calm himself.

"Yeah, so I live with Spider-Man," Alex said and smiled friendly at him.

"No, I'm not him. That was just a nasty slander," Peter responded immediately. It took him so long to clear his name from the Mysterio's revelation, and now he didn't want to give up.

Alex measured him with a look, which Peter didn't like, but then he simply shrugged and said: "Well, when you say that..." and began to unpack.

Tax for heroism (crossover Spider-Man/Alex Rider)Where stories live. Discover now