(No) normality

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Peter hypnotized the blackboard with the menu in the school canteen, but his mind was in his room, figuring out how to sneak around Alex for Spidy's patrol in the evening. It had been a month since he had a new roommate, and he hadn't been able to go on a superhero patrol. Pleasure was an early bird and in the evening he needed to do things for school. He had much less time than when he was in high school. Maybe he could just take for lecture his bag with Spider-Man's suit and after lection he wouldn't just go to his room right away, but aerate his nets. Just instead of doing patrol in the morning and evening, he will start doing it in the afternoon.

"Hmmm, I think I'll have the pea porridge this time," said Alex, who was standing next to Peter, and also looking at the menu.

"What!? You really want to have those green cyanobacteria!?" Peter grinned at him.

"Well, not everyone can eat a two-inch-thick steak with French fries for everyday," the blond shrugged with an equally wide grin and a gentle poke into Peter's ribs.

"Auuu," Peter groaned, though it didn't make it as uncomfortable thanks his abilities as it do for anyone. "Has anyone ever told you that you are too attentive for your own good?" Exactly, because of his abilities he needed a richer diet and it seemed that unlike the others, Alex didn't have a tendency to ignore such trifles. Another fact why it was almost impossible to sneak around him like a Spider-man.

"Of course. It's my special talent," Alex laughed. And not the only one, Peter thought. Now he knew why his roommate had such an athletic figure - thanks to karate. They also didn't have lesson Spanish together, because Pleasure already spoke it fluently, as did the other four languages.

They ordered food, paid for it, and then headed for a free table next to the window. Before they settled down, Alex stealthily looked around and checked what was happening both outside the building and inside the dining room. He always chooses the place near escape, as if expecting an attack at any moment. Peter noticed his habit, but didn't comment it. It occurred to him that, he shouldn't judge his friend because of some strange habits. As if he himself were a model of normalcy when he considered it normal to climb walls...

Tax for heroism (crossover Spider-Man/Alex Rider)Where stories live. Discover now