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Morgan Monteith✵

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Morgan Monteith

It was silent. Silent and cold. Morgan could feel that the bed she was laying in wasn't her own. The sheets were too soft, and you couldn't feel the springs through the mattres. Slowly she sat up and looked around.

The room was a mix of different dark woods and mostly looked like she'd been stuck into the set of a movie about the early 19th century.
Instead of electrical lights, huge white candles littered the different surfaces.

Morgan got up and immediately checked her pockets for her hearing aids, only to realise that they were very much gone. She cursed herself for not just hiding them in her bra, but they'd probably run out of power by now, so they wouldn't have been of much use to her anyway. Morgan just hoped that those men hadn't destroyed them. They'd been expensive and she wasn't able to afford new ones with her current income.

The curtains were thin and white, so the moonlight easily shone through them, in addition the balcony doors were open and a light breeze had the curtains moving, flowing subtly like a delicate dress.
If not the situation had been as terrifying as it was, Morgan might've been able to actually enjoy the scene, but the only thing on her mind currently was how she could escape.

Morgan had never been overly excited about heights, but as she found herself looking down from the balcony, the drop to the ground below didn't seem as bad as the alternative, which was to stay with these people, whoever and whatever they were, and probably get killed.

Morgan took a deep breath as she swung her legs over the railing and carefully climbed down until she was hanging by her arms. "This is insane." She whispered to herself before she counted to three and let herself drop.

Morgan gasped for air as she landed on her back, a sickening feeling of a 'pop' followed by an immense pain in her shoulder letting her know that she'd definitely dislocated or broken it. Cursing, she got up and began running for the forest to the best of her ability.

She decided to stay hidden in the trees but follow the road in hopes of reaching the town one of the men had mentioned. All she needed was just to find some people and scream for help. She'd gotten this far, there was no way she was turning back now.

The headlights of a car made Morgan run frantically from the treeline and into the road while screaming for help at the top of her lungs.
The car came to a stop beside her and a man rushed out with a worried look on his face. "Elena, are you okay? You're bleeding, what happened? "

Morgan wanted to scream and run, but she opted for pretending that she was definitely this Elena girl instead. "I'm not okay, something happened a-and I just need you to drive me into town." The man looked at her confused but ended up simply nodding his head. "Sure, would you like me to call Stefan or Damon? Let them know you're alright?"

"No!" Morgan realised she'd probably said that a little too forcefully as the man got a suspicious look on his face. "—I mean, I already called them and let them know. We agreed on meeting up at the town square for safety, please hurry. There's someone after me."

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