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Morgan Monteith

Elena's biological vampire mom, Isobel, who was also Alaric's ex-wife, was back in town and causing trouble.

Morgan had once again been left at the boardinghouse alone, while Stefan and Elena had gone to school and Damon was out on a secret vampire mission. It didn't really bother her as much as it probably should have, seeing as Katherine was stuck house-sitting with her, but she was mildly annoyed to be excluded after she'd proven herself both trustworthy and surprisingly useful over the last couple of days time and time again.

Katherine found Morgan in the study reading some old book she'd most likely borrowed from Stefan. "Hey there. Brought you a little alliance gift." The vampire stated as she dropped the old cigar box into Morgan's lap. "An alliance gift?" The human sat up straighter and looked at the box puzzled.

Morgan didn't quite trust Katherine, but the older copy of her had yet to actually hurt her in one way or the other, so she simply held a healthy amount of suspicion towards her for now.

Katherine sighed, "You've been somewhat nice to me, and since the two Salvatore brothers are failing miserably at keeping you safe.." She trailed off alluding to the box.

Morgan opened it and rose an amused eyebrow at her. "Uhm you're giving me tea?" She asked not trying to hide the confusion in her voice. "It's vervain. There's a ring down there somewhere as well." Katherine explained as she plopped down into one of the other chairs in the room.

"I know what vervain is for but what is a ring going to help? Don't get me wrong it's really pretty, but?" Morgan questioned as she held up the delicate and old gold ring with a small, rough, purple stone in it. It was not just pretty it was beautiful, and Morgan couldn't help but think about who it'd belonged to before her.

Katherine watched her human copy as she studied the ring with admiration in her eyes. "That purple stone is a rare amber made from vervain sap. It'll protect you just like Elena's necklace protects her."

"And the tea?" Morgan asked as she slipped on the ring. It fit perfectly.

"I recommend you drink a cup every other day. That way, if anyone takes off the ring you're still protected. Plus, it'll make your blood very un-compelling to vampires." Katherine explained simply.

The two women sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Morgan looked up at Katherine in wonder. "Why are you giving me all of this? Why are you being so nice to me?"

The older carbon copy of the two let out an amused huff of air as she spun a single one of her perfect brown curls around her finger. "I may not care about Elena, but I can see the Petrova fire in your eyes." She started before taking a small theatrical pause, clearly debating whether or not she should say the next part. "–You remind me of my little sister.."

"You had a sister?" Morgan asked, her curiosity officially having been peaked. "I did. And I suspect, since it's impossible that you're from my bloodline, that you're from hers." Katherine explained simply.

"Tell me about her."

"What do you want to know?" The old vampire asked shrugging.

"Anything, what was her name?" Morgan started with an easy question. "Amelia Petrova." Katherine answered shortly but truthfully. Morgan seemed surprised by her answer. "Hm."

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