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Morgan Monteith

It was late evening. The guests had left and Damon had managed to lure Morgan back out of her room. He probably wouldn't admit it, but he'd actually and genuinely taken a liking to the young woman. And not for the obvious reason that she looked like his immortal first love Katherine. The women couldn't be any more different if you ignored how similar they looked.

The two of them were sitting in the living room enjoying some vanilla ice-cream with the chocolate fondants that Morgan had baked. There was a lot of them leftover since the guests from the dinner party had left without dessert not soon after Elijah had suddenly "disappeared" and Morgan had retreated to her room.

"So," Morgan started, "–Is the way to a man's heart really through his stomach?" She joked, watching Damon as he made love with his eyes to the cake on his plate.
Damon looked up with a playful smirk on his face, "Literally or figuratively? Because yes." Morgan shook her head amused. "–My stomach is begging me to wife you right now." Damon continued knowing it would make her flustered. Morgan tried to play it cool by laughing knowing full well that her cheeks were redder than a tomato.

"I don't know. You're a bit too young for me." She said acting as if she was really contemplating his offer.
"What? Elijah was only like nine-hundred years older than me, is that not close enough?" Damon stated incredulously.

"I have an old soul, you wouldn't understand." Morgan shrugged. Damon rose his eyebrows. "I was fooling around a hundred-and-forty years before you were even born. How much older men do you want?" He questioned.

Morgan tapped her chin with her index finger as if she was thinking hard to come up with an answer. "Like, pyramids old?"

Damon huffed amused, "That's ancient, not old."

"Stop arguing you fossil." Morgan rolled her eyes at him playfully, Damon was about to respond when his phone rang. "Hello little brother. Yes, she's right here beside me. What's wrong?" Morgan could faintly hear Stefan on the other end of the line speaking in a panicked tone. "—Shit."

Morgan didn't get to ask what was wrong before Damon vamp-sped away in direction of the cellar only to return a couple of seconds later with a somewhat frightened look on his face.

"He's gone." Morgan looked at him confused but had her suspicions as to what exactly he meant by that. "Elijah?"

"We have to go. Now."

"He's here." Stefan stated as he listened to the original who was walking around outside tossing the small rocks he'd picked up in the driveway from hand to hand threateningly.
Elena looked to Stefan frightened as Elijah threw one of the stones, breaking the front door off its hinges.

"I'll talk to him. Just make sure Damon stays inside, I don't need his sarcastic commentary to ruin our already slim chances of a successful renegotiation of Elena's deal."

"Morgan.." Elena started concerned as she looked at the older doppelgänger. "I'll be okay. Elijah can't come in the house." Morgan assured her simply.

"You know, I might not be able to enter this house.. But I'm a very patient man. I'll wait you out." Elijah shouted from outside. Morgan looked from Elena and gave Stefan a small nod before she slowly walked out from behind the wall while Stefan and Elena stayed hidden there.

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