Part 3: Self-Assessment; The Gift of Mercy (Compassion)

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1) Has tremendous capacity to show love.

2) Always looks for the good in people.

3) Senses the spiritual and emotional atmosphere of a group or individual. (Has an inner 'knowing' of what kind of people are around the individual.)

4) Is attracted to people who are hurting or in distress. (This is sometimes known as the 'white knight syndrome' where a person (especially a guy) is attracted to someone because 'I can save them.')

5) Takes action to remove hurts and relieve distress in others.

6) Is more concerned for mental and emotional distress than physical distress. (Is more concerned with offering a hug than an adhesive bandage.)

7) Is motivated to help people to have right relationships with one another. (This is the one that tries to get friends to 'make up' when they are quarreling.)

8) Loves opportunities to give preference or place to others. (This is the person most likely to let someone else cut ahead of them in line or take the better seat in a theater, for example.)

9) Takes care with words and actions to avoid hurting others.

10) Easily detects insincerity or wrong motives. (This person knows when an apology isn't meant or when something is done for the wrong reasons, even if the action taken benefits someone.)

11) Is drawn to others with the gift of compassion.

12) Loves to do thoughtful things for others.

13) Is trusting and trustworthy. (This person easily trusts others because they themselves can be trusted.)

14) Avoids conflicts and confrontations.

15) Doesn't like to be rushed in a job or activity. (Likes to take the time to do something well.)

16) Is typically cheerful and joyful.

17) Is ruled by the heart, rather than the head. (Makes decisions based on how they feel and how others might feel, rather than by logic.)

18) Rejoices to see others blessed and grieves to see others hurt. (Shows sympathy and empathy.)

19) Is a crusader for good causes.

20) Intercedes for the hurts and problems of others. (Prays earnestly for people they find that are hurt or need help.)

Total for gift:_____

Typical problem areas of the gift of Compassion:

1) Tends to be indecisive.

2) Is often prone to take up another person's offense. (That means they get mad on someone's behalf. That person hurt this person, so I'm mad at that person, too.)

3) Is easily hurt by others. (Not that they get offended easily, but they honestly get their hearts broken on a regular basis.)

4) Empathizes too much with the suffering of others. (They let the suffering they see drag them down, even when they're out of the situation and there's nothing they can do.)

5) Affectionate nature is often misinterpreted by the opposite sex. (What is intended as a friendly gesture is taken as flirty or as interest in a dating relationship.)

Total for typical problem areas:_____

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