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Taeyong's mind was racing, his thoughts jumbled like a knot of strings. He couldn't even bring himself to look at her after those words left her mouth, instead he busied himself with the loose thread on his shirt. Y/N's gaze did not waver once as she analysed his movements, the way his eyes refused to meet hers, the way he refused to speak or respond in any way to the information he had received. He knew more than what was on the surface. And she would find out.

"Oh. I understand how you feel." He finally sighed, his eyes shifting to her slender fingers as they fiddled with the loose strands of her hair. She eyed him skeptically, arching a brow in questioning. "I mean, I lost my brother too. Yeah, he died and all that." He awkwardly spilled, hoping she would feel a little better with his words, like she wasn't alone.

"Which brother?" Y/N inquired, sitting up straighter, ready to absorb what he was going to tell her, this way, when she managed to escape, she would have something to give back to Jaehwa. But she already knew it wouldn't be that easy, not with someone as complex as Lee Taeyong, and this was proven when he shook his head, an amused expression lacing his features.

"Mhmm, it's bedtime, love." He ignored her curious stare and shut the lamp she forgot to switch off with a click. Right as the click sounded, so did a resounding bang, causing Taeyong to look up alertly, like a predator seeing its prey, before grabbing his phone in a flash. His eyes lit with the phone screen as he pushed certain buttons, before making a call.

"Day6 has infiltrated, I want everyone to be ready and on their feet." He ordered promptly into the phone to who Y/N guessed was Jaehyun.

Taeyong himself then pulled on his holster, covering it with a dark jacket. He grabbed the gun that had rested on his bedside table and reloaded it before heading swiftly for the door.

Y/N immediately stood up and followed. He turned to look at her, scoffing as she placed her hands on her hips in resolution. "Sit back down."

"Fuck no." She argued, her tone incredulous as she closed the gap and reached him. She yanked the gun from his ironclad grip, stumbling slightly. She hadn't expected it to be that strong. "I'm not a pussy who's going to sit in the background waiting for a Prince to save me."

He opened his mouth to argue, but decided against it as another bang was heard, followed by harsh, cold laughter, almost like a cackle. Taeyong's gun had a rough grip, explaining why his hands were so calloused, the girl deduced as she allowed her hands to get used to the new gun.

He glared at her heavily before pulling a Glock out of the holster and cautiously entering the thick darkness of the hallway beyond.

As soon as they shut the door behind them, he lost her. A string of cursewords escaped his lips, but he didn't have time to waste. Reaching the end of the hallway, he saw Lucas and Jaehyun taking the lead and separating down the left and right hallways. This was a strategy they always followed, they would take one look at the cameras on their phones before going to their assigned areas, soon to be followed by the selected members. Taeyong himself went down the middle, his ears sharper than usual, picking up every creak, his eyes piercing through the dark to see ahead.

Majority of them were probably still in the main living room, judging the distance from which laugh had come from, so that was where he would go. Straight into the battlefield.

Ducking behind a table that had been flipped over, he peered out from behind it cautiously, before aiming and firing his first shot.

Y/N had melted into the shadows and was now headed towards the staircase on the right, Ten had been nearby, but had disappeared down another hall. Her heart was beating at a rapid pace, brimming with adrenaline. She was in her element. Jaemin's figure came up behind her, not noticing her as he raced down the stairs. Stupid move, they'd catch him in a second, he should know that, shouldn't he? With a frustrated sigh, she retraced his footsteps to follow him.

She found him, but as predicted, he wasn't alone. It seemed as though his ego had gotten the better of him, as even without a weapon, he stood tall and confident, with wide smile on his lips. The other male could be recognised at YoungK of Day6, who was smiling right back at Jaemin like he was a longtime friend. Except for the fact that his gun was pointed at his chest.

"We always seem to run into each other." YoungK drawled, leaning back into the railing almost leisurely. His cold eyes were fixated on Jaemin's soft eyes, almost as if he was trying to penetrate through them and figure out what he knew that made him this confident.

"Yeah, and you always go home in bloodied tatters while I leave without a scratch." The younger boy sniggered as the other scowled, pushing his gun further into his chest, his smile gone at Jaemin's taunt.

"I don't see how that will happen this time, Na Jaemin. Any last words?" He spat, his impatience growing as Jaemin laughed softly.

"Yes." He paused, allowing the tension to increase by a hundredfold before continuing, "I'm not alone." He whispered, causing YoungK's brows to furrow in confusion before they rose in shock as his body fell to the ground. He gazed up at Jaemin, his body trembling, his eyes pleading. "Bye, Kang Brian." He shot at his head, before stepping on his face on his way further down.

"How did you know I was there?" Y/N questioned, causing him to halt and turn, a small smirk playing on his lips like a muse.

"It was a challenge. Do you really think I'd run around like a headless chicken while being unarmed?" He pulled out his concealed pistol, offering her a wink as he went off.

Bullets | Lee Taeyong • Mafia AU •Where stories live. Discover now