Chapter 10

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You head inside your house.

Your mum and dad are busy cooking dinner.

"Just in time," your dad says. "Dinner is in ten minutes."

You go to head upstairs to your room and your dad calls after you.

"New house rule, no phones at the dinner table. So if you want to talk to Sam, now is the time to do it."

You shake your head in amusement but you respect your parents enough to follow their rules.

You get to your bedroom and flop down on your bed. Your phone pings.

Speak of the devil.

Sam: Hey hot stuff.

Me: Hey beau.

Sam: How was your day?

Me: Good. I saw an old friend today.

Me: He was a bit lost when I last saw him.

Me: But he seems to be finding himself now.

Sam: Can't wait until you are back here.

Me: Same :)

Me: AFK, dinner time.

Sam: Text me when you are back and we can have some fun over phone ;)

Me: I'll hold you to that :P

You don't hear anything from David until you are back at university.

David once again becomes someone to forget. You don't even search for him on social media anymore. He's been put to rest in your mind.

Not to mention that you now have Sam.

The first night back at university, you head over to Sam's and both get super drunk.

"Do you want to stay over?" Sam says, giggling like a teenager.

"Sure thing," you say, planting a kiss on his cheek.

You head up to Sam's bedroom ahead of him. You start swinging your hips from side to side and throw a look over your shoulder as you climb the last of the stairs.

Sam laughs.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Come here," you say as you get to his bedroom, pulling him in for a long kiss. You slowly sink down onto his bed and begin to disrobe each other.

Your breathing becomes heavy, just like it had in David's room.

Your body starts to tremble from a mixture of excitement and exhaustion, and Sam cradles you until you calm down.

"Take me," you whisper. "Fuck me."

"Are you sure?" Sam says, searching your eyes for a hint of doubt.

You had fooled around a little bit before, but had never gone all the way. This was new unexplored territory for the both of you.

"Yeah," you say with a smile.

Sam wraps himself up and lathers himself with lube.

The joys of free giveaways at Freshers Fair.

Sam slowly pushes into you as you wrap your legs around his own. Your heels dig into the backs of his knees, anxiously egging him on.

"Oh shit, oh fuck, oh fuck!" you whisper into Sam's collar as he slowly drives in and out of you.

It is seconds of pain followed by minutes of pleasure, receding back and forth like waves.

Sam begins to grunt and stiffen, which in turn sends you over the edge. He rests his head on your chest, still inside of you.

You both lay in blissful contentment, limbs and lips tangled up together, without another care in the world.

You should really sleep, but something is clawing at you. You look around Sam's dim room.

The overflowing washing basket in the corner that has been neglected for over two weeks.

The paper-thin curtains that bathe the room in the soft glow of the lamppost outside.

The empty mug and plate, a relic of what constitutes dinner as a student.

Sam mumbles something in his sleep and you draw your eyes back to him. "Not the chickens."

What? What is he dreaming about?

Your eyes drag along his features, his sharp jaw, Greek nose, strong eyebrows. Fuck, he's gorgeous.

But at this moment, he looks a mess. His hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat and drool is pooling around one side of his mouth.

But you don't care. All you care is that he is all yours and you are his.

You softly smile as you remember the past hour and a half that you spent with him, exploring each other's bodies and desires.

As if on cue, Sam's mahogany-coloured eyes snap open.

When he sees that you are also awake and staring right at him, he draws up the duvet to his eyes and comically looks away.

"Have you been watching me?" he croaks, throat dry from sleep.

"Well, you're so cute when you chat random shit in your sleep," you reply, sliding closer to him under the covers.

"Fuckin' nerd," he says with a goofy smile, placing his forehead against yours. "Up for round two?"

"Absolutely," you say. Sam goes in for a full kiss, you push him away and throw your head back like a fighting kangaroo. "First though, get a drink of water or brush your teeth. Your bed breath fucking stinks!"

"Oh really, is my breath that bad?" Sam says, exaggerating the words so that he can expel all the air out of his lungs and into your face.

You cough as Sam laughs and throws the covers off. "Fine, I'll get some water."

As Sam heads downstairs you reach out from the bed and grab your jacket, fishing your phone out of your pocket.

You are blinded for a second when you turn the screen on, quickly turning the brightness down and start to check your apps.

There is a new TattleTale one circulating your home town. You open the app and tap through the pictures and messages.

You stop and your jaw drops open. There is a picture of David, kissing a guy on the cheek.

David is shirtless, the other guy has David's university rugby shirt on.

The caption reads, "I was lost when I was younger.

"I never understood my feelings, but recently an old friend helped me understand who I am.

"For the first time, I feel like I have found myself.

"My name is David Johnson and I am bisexual."

You smile at the post as Sam returns with two glasses of water. As he hands one to you you smile and whisper, "I'm glad I found you too."

Sam is perplexed at the use of "too," but returns the compliment and a kiss.

You forego sex and instead snuggle and fall asleep while watching a film on Sam's laptop. For the first time in a long while, you are content, safe, and happy.

You love Sam, but you can never forget David.

He was lost like you were, and you found who you were together.

The End.

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