Mind Over Matter

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"It still shakes me..." Jean Bart mumbles as she falls back on her bed with the commander. "To think that my sister would be with the sirens of all people..."

"I doubt it's under her own will though." Jacque replies. "We all know she would never turn to the might of the sirens unless she was forced."

"That's what I'd like to think too." Jean Bart says. "Thanks for taking some time to talk with me."

"I would be a bad commander if I didn't worry about my subordinates." Jacque replies. "Take care, I'll make sure Dunkerque is all right." That's when he hears some rather uncharacteristic snickering from the Vichy battleship, and when he turns to look at Jean Bart, she looks like she's trying to stop herself from laughing. "What's so funny?" It's then that Jean Bart realizes that Jacque has indeed looked back.

"Oh don't mind me." Jean Bart says. "It's just... You and Dunkerque..." She continues, trying not to lose it.

"What about me and Dunkerque?" Jacque asks. "Do you not like us or something?"

"No no no, far from that." Jean Bart replies. "It's just... That... Just that..." She still can't get it out without the images in her head.

"Just that what? Just spit it out." Jacque says.

"You two would make such a cute couple!" Jean Bart finally shouts out before finally bursting out into laughter.

"And why do you find that funny?" Jacque asks.

"I don't know! I'm sorry!" Jean Bart replies between laughs. "It's just so damn obvious that I can't help but laugh!" And with that a very confused Jacque takes his leave, intent on heading to Dunkerque's room to check up on her. That's when he runs into St. Louis again and he tries to step off to the side hoping she wouldn't try anything with him, but much to his chagrin the light cruiser notices anyway and slowly but seductively turns around to face Jacque.

"Hello again~" St. Louis says. Comanche starts backing away, occasionally looking behind him to make sure he's heading towards Dunkerque's room. "What are you backing away for? You shouldn't be afraid of someone like me~"

"Um... I think Dunkerque is calling for me... I think I'll get going..." Jacque replies.

"Dunkerque can wait~" St. Louis giggles. "Haven't you thought to yourself that maybe you haven't spent enough time with me?" She asks as she decides to pick up her pace. Eventually Jacque falls over and is at the light cruiser's mercy as she stops him from backing away by gently resting her foot on his crotch. "Please don't run away, I just want to spend some time with you~"

"St. Louis... What are you doing?" Jacque asks as he attempts to back away again, only for St. Louis to apply a little more pressure than normal, making the commander wince and freeze up.

"You've been staring at me quite lasciviously~" St. Louis replies as she starts moving her foot around his crotch, almost as if massaging it. "I could almost tell right away you have a weakness for hot heels~"

"St. Louis... Please..." Jacque says, still trying to get away, but with the light cruiser ahead of his every move, the only thing he could hope for was for St. Louis to get bored, for Helena to intervene or for one of the Vichy girls to stop her.

"Only because you said please~" St. Louis giggles, but before she can do any more, Dunkerque opens the door to her room and sees what's going on.

"What the hell are you doing to le commandant?!" Dunkerque shouts, startling the light cruiser and making Jacque breathe a sigh of relief.

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