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Seokjin stood outside the post office and stared onto the weekend traffic. The cars zoomed past him as he was lost in thought. The mid Autumn wind had brought a slight chill in today's morning. The trees scattered around the area, swayed with the wind and dead leaves fell giving the post office a sombre mood. His mind was going a mile a second and he could not help the anxiety wash over him. Blinking rapidly, he tried to calm his racing heart. He had been waiting for Jungkook for over an hour now and he still hadn't shown up. Well, maybe that's because he arrived an hour earlier. And he was lucky it was a Sunday, the Post office was closed because he might have been chased away with all the nervous pacing he had been doing.

Jungkook had texted earlier that he was on his way, five minutes out and Jin had been even more nervously pacing the entrance of the office. They had recently reconnected two years after Jin had completed his military service. It had been awkward at first considering how he left things. He did not even expect Jungkook to agree to this meet up. But after all the time he spent in the barracks thinking, he knew he had to make things right. There's no way he was going to make the same mistake twice.

Sighing, he took out his phone and pressed play on the music icon letting the song playing carry him away. He had closed his eyes to listen to the newest trending song by JK and he could not help but be moved with the younger's voice.

Jungkook parked his black Audi in the postal office carpark and turned it off. He was in the post office that Jin had requested them to meet. At first he was skeptical about the place, but when he drove he, he didn't see as many people as he thought would. He looked down at his hands and saw them shaking in anxiousness. Clutching a tight fist, he took a deep calming breath and got out. Pulling the collar of his brown trench coat up to his neck and the beanie for his ears to cover from the mid morning chill, he walked towards the entrance of the Post office. He had wanted to wear a mask but thought it best to leave it behind.

He had not seen Jin for close to four years and he was quite surprised when the elder reached out. He had kept tabs on all his friends and knew that Jin had opened a restaurant in the city's business district. He usually had his assistant bring him food from there. Although he had wanted to one day visit the place, he was unsure of how Jin would react. He did not want to cause any more misunderstanding and disagreement between them. And right now, he did not know what to expect. He didn't want to have any expectations lest he got disappointed. Walking on the side walk, he made his way to the front of the building.

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