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Jin felt his soul leaving his body the moment Jungkook's lips closed on his finger. His lips were soft and mouth was warm. The way Jungkook's tongue wrapped his finger, it made Jin tremble. Jungkook sucked on the wound for no more than ten seconds but it felt like an eternity. Removing the finger from his mouth, it glistened with the slight sheen of his saliva and had stopped bleeding.

The two men stood in front of each other with only holding hands the thing between them. Jin looked at Jungkook mouth agape and his eyes darted to the younger's now pink lips. Jungkook saw Jin's eyes looking at his mouth and so he licked his lips, slowly and sensually. He didn't care anymore. He wanted Jin. And he wanted him to know it. Jin looked back up at Jungkook's eyes and saw the fire of desire in his brown eyes. He could feel the heat rolling off the younger and it lit him up even more.


"I'm going to kiss you Jin. And don't you dare stop me this time."

Although Jin maybe older than Jungkook, he could not help submit to the younger's dominance. It's like a spell had been casted on him to stay still and quiet. Jungkook placed his free hand on Jin's waist and pulled the elder till he hit his muscled chest. Placing Jin's cut hand on his shoulder, he snaked his other hand to the back of Jin's neck and held it steady. His eyes never leaving Jin's, he leaned the remaining distance and aligned his lips with the elders.

He felt Jin tremble with the touch. But that was not enough. Jungkook wanted to let the elder feel his love from that kiss. It was their first kiss and he wanted to make it a kiss to remember for a lifetime. So he closed his mouth and started moving with the elders lower lips between his. With his eyes still open, he saw Jin eyes close and felt him relax and start to respond to his kiss. He sucked on Jin's lower lip and felt the elder grab at his shoulder and the arm that had snaked around his waist tighten. Finally getting the response he had wanted to, he closed his eyes and deepened the kiss.

Jin wanted to think but it's like his mind had stopped. All he could do was feel Jungkook's lips on his and the way his heart beat forcefully in his ribcage. Then he felt Jungkook's fingers on his short hair kneading his scalp and the arm around his waist digging into his skin softly. That and the way Jungkook bit his lip was the last straw.

He moaned, surprising himself with the sound and Jungkook took it to his advantage, slipping his tongue into Jin's mouth. He explored the hot crevice as Jin pulled him closer. Their tongues had their own private dance, each fighting for dominance.

Jin was getting more and more heated up with the way Jungkook was invading his mouth, tasting every inch of him. He grinded his now hardened cock on Jungkook's thigh just to get some friction and felt the younger's hardened cock as well.

Jungkook felt Jin rub on him and he knew if he continued, there was no stopping. So with one last suck and tug, he broke their kiss and leaned his forehead on Jin's. Catching the much needed breath, the two looked at each other with eyes glazed.


Jungkook pecked Jin on his now swollen lips and smiled his bunny smile. Jin's face was a deep shade of red and Jungkook knew that that was his new favorite color on his hyung.


They were still holding each other with heads touching, breathing evened out. They stayed for a moment that felt like years but actually just a few minutes until the coffee maker dinged to inform that the drink was ready. Jin didn't want to let go of Jungkook and leave his warmth. It felt like if he did, that bubble would burst and they'll be back to their awkward way.

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