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When the kiss ended, the two were a panting mess. Jungkook had pulled Jin into his lap and had him straddling him. His hands were resting on the elders ass while Jin's were wrapped around his neck. Both their faces flushed with love and lust, they took a minute or so to calm down their wild hearts.

"You know, Yoongi hyung also sent me an email which I saw after I got home. It was some pictures as well and words of wisdom. He told me to give you a chance to explain when you reached out. And to listen to your song, Tonight. I had wanted to reach out to you as well but I was afraid. Afraid that you'd still look at me like a child. And I didn't want to get my heart broken again after trying to piece it back together. So I waited for your call and I am happy you did. I never would have thought that you would love me. The most handsome man in the whole world would have eyes for me. I did not expect to kiss you today. It was not even planned but I knew that even if you were going to break my heart, I at least would have kissed you one time. And by God, during that kiss and you rubbing yourself on me, I was willing to fuck everything just to be with you. I didn't care if you may just want my body and not my heart, I would have given it to you. I had stayed away for far too long to let you just go again. Jin, you make me want to risk it all. You make me want to burn the world if I could be next to you. I may not like how we left things, but man, I am happy that it gave us time apart to appreciate each other's presence. It gave me the courage to tell you that I love you. And will always love you. Nothing will ever change that. You have been a part of me since I was a mere scrawny kid and your place in my heart is permanent. It may have started out as puppy love but right now, this is fated love. You are mine and I am yours. Always."

Jin looked at the beautiful man and could not help but sob. His Kookie loved him. He did not deserve this. Not after every thing. But he will be selfish and take it. He would love this man till the day he dies. Crying into Jungkook's shoulder, he smelled the familiar scent of wood shavings and wet earth. The scent calmed him down considerably. He wrapped his arms tighter and snuggled on Jungkook's neck. This was his new favorite position, straddled on Jungkook's lap and curled up in his chest.
Jungkook just held on tighter and soothed the crying male with feather light head kisses.

After a few minutes of just comfortably being in each other's arms, Jungkook stood up with Jin still in his arms. Jin was surprised at how strong Jungkook was to just stand with him so effortlessly. He had gained a few muscle mass and became a little heavier ever since he enlisted, but Jungkook was just carrying him like one would a baby.

"There's this song I did after reading Yoongi hyung's email. It's a very popular song and I covered it with you in mind. I would like you to hear it as we dance."


Jin was let down carefully, as if he were a porcelain doll that would break with too much force. Jungkook took his phone out and connected it to the music system. He pressed play and took Jin into his arms and holding him close. Swaying to the music, Jin listened and realized it was Roy Kom's song, Only If. The words were beautiful and Jungkook's voice was amazing. The two danced away as the song went on. When it ended, Jin looked at Jungkook with heart eyes.

"Jeon Jungkook, my forever love, I love you."

Jungkook, gave Jin a sweet kiss that left the elder feeling butterflies in his stomach.

"Kim Seokjin, my heart, I love you."


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