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Jin looked at Jungkook with wide eyes. He became flustered at once and felt his cheeks burn. Jungkook just looked at Jin and did a victory dance in his head. He could still make his hyung blush that beautiful pink.

"Yeah, yeah sure."

The drive was quiet but not the stiffling one. The comfortable one they had created throughout the years that they had been together. They stepped out of the elevator and walked to Jin's door. He opened it and stepped aside for Jungkook to pass.

"You have a beautiful home hyung."

"Thank you."

Jin smiled and went ahead to start the coffee maker, changing the filter and adding fresh beans. He got himself busy with making a snack to accompany the coffee to distract himself that Jungkook was in his house. The boy he had seen grow up right in front of his eyes to become this amazing gorgeous man, now sitting in his living room.

Jungkook looked around the house and noticed the lack of the color pink. He frowned as he knew this was his hyung favorite color and he expected his house to be an explosion of pink. The house was tastefully decorated in earth tones that gave the place a homely feel. He wondered if his time in the military had changed him. He really hoped not.

Looking over to the open kitchen, he saw Jin making sandwiches and smiled softly. He knew the tension between them was palpable and although he wanted to shove everything under the rag, he also needed an explanation of why Jin did what he did before he left.
Standing, he walked over and sat at the kitchen island and watched Jin do what he did best. Preparing him food.

"Ah, Kook! You startled me! Can I get you anything?"

"Sorry hyung, I didn't mean too. I was just feeling alone in the living room so I decided to come watch you. I hope you don't mind."

"No no, it's okay. I'm almost done."


Jungkook kept watching as Jin tried his best to not let himself spontaneously combust. He could feel Jungkook's eyes on his every movement. He felt his heart stop beating a few times and he became even more flustered than he was in the car. He wondered how he could not have 'seen' the way Jungkook looked at him all those years ago. It was the same but now, it was just way more intense. Maybe it was because he had finally admitted to his feelings and had 'seen' Jungkook as a man. Feeling a sharp pain in his finger, he yelped in pain and saw he had sliced himself while cutting the lettuce.

Jungkook leaped up from the stool and held Jin's hand with the now bleeding finger. Looking at it, he knew it was just a flesh wound but his heart couldn't take it. He knew he should just place the hand under running water then wrap it up but he took the finger into his mouth and sucked.

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