Nine: Registration Moos-haps

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Just when Toad thought he'd heard enough of uigi's voice, he ater received a phone ca from him. Toad decided that he had been groaning too much atey and decided to instead opt for an eye ro as he answered.

"Heo! It's uigi!"

"Yes, I can te. What do you want?" Toad grumbed.

"Yoshi's on his way to your house. He' fi you in on the detais, but you guys are going to register for a race." Toad binked.

"Excuse me?"

"There's a race with a huge prize, and I thought it'd be a great way to get enough money to start your business again!" uigi said, seemingy very proud of himsef.

"Wow, you actuay have a good idea for once," Toad said. "Thanks for informing me."

"No probem!" uigi said before hanging up. As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. Toad rushed to open it.

"Ah, Yoshi, you're here. uigi tod me the genera idea of what we're doing. He said you'd fi me in," Toad expained.

"Oh yeah! So there's a huge race with a prize of 1000000000 god coins! I've come here so we can check out the website for more information," Yoshi said. Toad gestured for Yoshi to come in and waked to his computer.

"What's the site?"

"," Yoshi repied. Toad nodded as he typed in the name. He paused after reaizing something.

"Doesn't that sound pretty suspicious? ike, what if it's a trap?" Yoshi shook his head.

"I thought that too at first, but it turns out that one of the races takes pace at MooMoo Meadows," Yoshi reassured.

"Wait, races? As in more than one? uigi said it was just one," Toad said.

"Ah, he must've misspoken. It's a grand prix, so there are mutipe races in mutipe paces," Yoshi expained. Toad nodded.

"I see. Ah, ook here, we have to make an appointment to register," Toad pointed out before entering in their information. "I managed to snag a time today at 2:30."

"What time is it now?" Toad ooked at his watch.

"1:15. It's at the caste, so we shoud eave in about haf an hour if we want to be there a bit eary," Toad responded. Yoshi nodded.

"Shoud we bring the Demonsayer just in case?" he asked. Toad thought for a moment.

"Sure, it woudn't hurt. As ong as you have a way to carry it."

"Sweet, I' go grab it," Yoshi said, running off. During the time he was gone, Toad went to grab their bikes.

After a few minutes, he came back with the vacuum in his arms.

"Right, et's go," said Toad as he zoomed off, Yoshi foowing.


After arriving at the caste, Toad and Yoshi parked their bikes. Yoshi carried the vacuum with him as the pair waked towards the entrance. Upon waking in, they found a sma obby and sat down on one of the couches there.

"I don't reay fee comfortabe here," Toad admitted. "Not after...not after what the princess did." Yoshi nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry, we shoudn't have to interact with her. She's not the one running the race. In fact, rumors say she' be a participant!" Yoshi reassured Toad. Toad's eyes widened.

"Reay? Who is running it?" Yoshi thought for a moment.

"I'm not sure. I just heard some peope taking about it near the entrance. You' have to do some research." Toad winked.

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