Chapter 4

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Tiki's POV:
It has been about a month since me and Dawson met and we have gone on a few dates since then and we hangout a lot. I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend. I was really nervous because I had to ask Aaron's permission since he is pretty much her brother. I pulled up to Aaron's house knowing Dawson wasn't home because she went to the mall with Kylie and Mackenzie. When I got to the door I knocked nervously waiting for Aaron to answer, I was looking down at the floor when I heard the door open and there stood Aaron with a confused look on his face. "Yo Tiki you good?" He said with confusion laced in his voice. "Huh? Oh yeah! I'm great." Aaron said ok and let me in the house I noticed some clothes lying on the ground and chuckled knowing they were Dawson's. "So man what's up?" Aaron asked me, I started getting really nervous and sweaty not knowing how he was going to react. "Um....uh I was wondering if maybe..... Icouldaskdawsontobemygirlfriend" I said the last part a little fast. "Wait really?" He asked, I couldn't tell what his facial expression was so I just looked at the ground and nodded. He got up and walked towards me, I got ready for him to yell at me but instead he gave me a hug, "dude of course you can!" He said, "wait really?" I asked confused. "Yeah" he said and then continued "this past month Dawson has been so happy, I have never seen her this happy before. And it's because of you, so man go for it!" He said and I just hugged him and said thanks then walked out the door going to the mall to ask Dawson out.


I arrived at the mall and I had called Kylie a couple second before I pulled in and asked where they were, she said they were at the food court eating to parked near the food court entrance and walked to where they were. I tapped Dawson's shoulder she looked up confused but lightened her face when she saw it was me "Tiki what are you doing here?" She asked softy. I looked at her grabbed her hands and pulled her up. "Dawson I didn't really know how to tell you or ask you this but I'm just going to say it, you are The most amazing person I have ever met. You never fail to amaze or surprise me, this last month has been the best month of my life and I wouldn't have spent it with anyone else but you, what I'm trying to say is Dawson Laine Reed will you be my girlfriend?" I said, she looked like she was about to cry. A few second went by before she nodded her head saying a little yes and hugging very tight. I was shocked I didn't think she liked me that much. At This point she was in tears and Mackenzie and Kylie were awwing and recording this so they could send it to me and Dawson later. "Tiki your amazing thank you so much for being a blessing to me" she said wiping her tears, I wipes them for her smiled and looked at her admiring her beauty slowly we both leaned in and then BOOM......... I kissed Dawson Reed.


Hey everyone thanks again for reading this one was short but I thought it was pretty cute, it was pretty sappy but oh well! Anyways please vote and continue reading I hope you like it! And again feedback is welcome but no hate please and thank you!!!

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