Chapter 5

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Tiki's POV:
After me and Dawson pulled away we both couldn't stop smiling. Mackenzie and Kylie just awed and stopped filming and sent it to me and Dawson. I grabbed Dawson's hand and dragged her out of the store waving bye the Kylie and Mackenzie. We got out of the mall and walked to my truck, "what are we doing Tiki?" Asked Dawson a little annoyed. "I am taking you home you are tired as hell I can see it in your eyes" I said she just sighed in response and smiled at me. I grabbed her hand as I began driving her back to her place.


Dawson's POV:
I couldn't stop smiling on the way home. I couldn't believe that Tiki was my boyfriend it seemed so unreal. We got to my house I gave Tiki a kiss goodbye and told I would see him later. I waved at him as I walked up to the house and walked in. Aaron was sitting there and he looked like a dad, I chuckled at the sight of him he looked at me confused on why I laughed. "You look like a dad Aaron" I said to him, "so did you say yes?" Aaron got up of the chair and I smiled and nodded he jumped "YES!" He yelled, "ok you're weird and I'm going to my room" I walked into my room and laid down on my bed. I started to drift off into sleep slowly until I just fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning around 8ish not feeling the great so I got up but felt something wet I looked at my pants then to my bed "UGHHH!! Stoopid periods" I groaned, got up and stopped my bed and put my stuff in the washer. I wen back to my room grabbed one of Tiki's sweatshirts and a pair of black joggers and went to take a shower.

After my shower I got changed and did my lady things. I heard my phone ring in the other room I groaned and went into my room and laid in bed grabbed my phone and saw Tiki wanted to FaceTime so I accepted the FaceTime not caring if I looked like shit. My cramps were hurting really bad so I didn't feel like talking at all. When I looked at the screen I saw a sleepy looking Tiki yawn "Good morning beautiful" he said with a smile "eh it's an ok morning" I said remember how I woke up. He gave me a confused look "what Tiki?!" I snapped at him, "woah baby I don't know what I did but I'm sorry..." he said to me I looked at him and saw a frown on his face I felt bad so I started crying because of my 'friend' Tiki looked me and then realized I was crying "Woah, Woah, Woah baby what's up are you ok??" His voice laced with worry "I'm fine it's just I don't know how to say this, it's kind of embarrassing" I said embarrassed, "baby don't be embarrassed just tell me I'm not gonna judge" he said smiling at me. I told him about what happened and he just chuckled a bit, I was confused until he said "babe you didn't need to be embarrassed, I'll be there in 20 with food, text me your McDonald's order and whatever else you need or want" he said and grabbed his keys getting into is truck. "Bubs I don't deserve you, I'll see you in 20 bub" I smiled at him and he smiled back. I hung up and texted Tiki what I needed.

About 20 minutes later in comes Tiki with two bags of thing and a McDonald's bag. He started getting stuff fro out of the bags first was a heating pad, second was some sour patch kids, third was some chocolate. I'm the second bag was one one Tikis favorite hoodies which meant it was also my favorite hoodie, and then he pulled out a stuffed dog and handed it to me then grabbed the McDonald's out of the bag and we ate while watching movies all day while we cuddle with me laying onto back on his chest with my legs in between his. I eventually asleep while watching Peter Pan.


Hello guys!! I just wanted to say sorry I haven't updated I kind of forgot but I'm back and I'm sorry if this chapter sucks it was the only thing I could think of, let me know if you have any suggestions I would love you here then, but please keep hate of of my stories it would mean a lot thanks!!

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