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A group of students was looking at a poster which show the list of students who passed the exam with their ranks and marks.Two of the students cried at same time,"Arthur again you are at the top."
Arthur was sitting on bench with a calm look.He said,"what's new in that."Arthur have just passed the All Merchs Examination held by Gells Merchant school.In this school students are taught everything about trade.And the students who passes The All Merchs Examination can become a very successful merchant.
Arthur was happy with his graduation now his half dream of becoming a successful merchant was completed.After receiving the graduation certificate he was returning to Dazzletown his hometown.As soon as he reached there he saw that the village was completely silent,there were no people roaming on the street and even the marketplace was empty.After sawing this he thought something was wrong
Gathering his courage Arthur went to his house.As he was going to open the door he heard a familiar voice,"Hey bro, how are you?"
said Reginold.Reginold was a weapon nerd who loves to make different weapons and use them even now he went training on the nearby Ibex mountain to try his new weapon it was a stick with its both ends shaped like upper portion of a maceArthur was happy to see his brother after a long time.
Reginold said,"Why you are waiting outside just enter home."saying this Reginold opened the door of the house and what they both saw there was terrifying.There mother father have turned totally black and blood was spilling from different parts of the body they were acting like zombies.Surprised and sad they both cautiously moved inside the house suddenly the zombies started to attack them their mother went to attack Arthur but somehow Arthur caught her arms and a hit from Reginold's weapon on her head knock her they done same with the father.They both were not happy to hurt their parents but they have no other choice
For safety they tied mother father with ropes.Reginold brought a bottle holy water from nearby table and sprinkled some drops on them but there was no effect.To know the condition of other houses they both look inside the neighbourhood houses and they found that there was no one there.Arthur said with a sad tone,"Reginold,why does the village welcomed my return like this?"."We do not have any answer now but we have to find it soon,I hope that we will be able to save our parents." said Reginold
Arthur and Reginold were unable to find any people in any of the houses now only one house was remaining.That was the house of village elder which was located on a small hilltop.They hoped that atleast they would find village elder at his house
They climbed the hill and as they enter the house they saw.....
To be continued
Author's Note:Thank you all the readers to read my novel.Please ignore grammatical mistake because I am weak in grammer and stay tuned for next chapter

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