The Ring of Magnus

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As Arthur and Reginold entered the house of village elder they saw that the elder was sitting on the floor freezed his eyes were showing fear and terror and he was unconscious.They run to the elder immediately and Reginold poured some drops of holy water on him.The elder regained is consciousness due to it.They asked the elder about what happened here but the elder was unable to recall anything he said,"Thank you boys for helping me but I can recall only one thing that man I can't even see his face but his wicked smile is still visible in front of my boys can't imagine the terror of that man which he created by his mere presence.
"so,you are saying that you can only remember the presence of a very powerful and demonic being." said Arthur.Arthur asked him,"our parents transformed into zombies is there any way to cure them?please tell me I am even ready to sacrifice my life to save them.Reginold said crying,"Hey old geezer tell us the way to save them or i will kill you."
There is a way or I should say a possibility to save them 'The magnus ring.'Arthur asked," What's Magnus ring and how it would be able to save our parents?""ok I will tell you everything I know about the Magnus ring.", said the elder.My son Marcus used to serve in our kings army king gave him this magnus ring for his outstanding performance in war unfortunately he died 2 years ago in a war and king given his ring to me since that day I am looking for the right person to pass this ring.The magnus ring gives you a special ability known as ire,magnus ring includes a metallic ring and a ire crystals like diamond,ruby,sapphire,etc.Ire crystals contain magic particals called as magicals.When ire is used magicals are released outside the ire crystal.Arthur asked,"so you are saying that magicals fuels ire but what happens when all the magicals are released out of the ire crystal."The elder answered then you are unable to use ire.Magicals which are released in environment after some time settle down and mix with soil or forms magnus crystal.The ire crystal can absorb magicals from this magnus crystal in this way you can replenish magicals.The elder said,"I know in your mind a question is there that can't any other crystals absorb ire."Arthur nodded in a positive way.The elder said,"My boy all the crystals in the world except the magnus crystal absorb magicals their absorbance abilities depend upon their shape,size and other properties.Arhur asked,"so why can't we use ire with the help of magicals from other crystals?"The elder answer,"There is no right answer to this question but it is said that some changes occurs in the properties of magicals when they enter ire crystals."I think this much information is getting off your head    I will give you a ire manual so that you can get more information from it
During the whole explanation Reginold was sitting quietly examining the magnus ring without listening to a single word said by the elder
Arthur and Reginold thanked the elder and leaved his house.Arthur asked,"We don't have clue what to do next so what you think we should do?".Reginold said ,"Perhaps we should try to visit the nearby towns to know what to do next.Then Reginold snapped and said oh I almost forgot that thing...
.To be continued
Author's Note:Thank you all the readers for reading my novel.Please ignore grammatical mistake because I am weak in grammer and stay tuned for next chapter

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