- 3 chapter -

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"You mean Semi.. my brother."

You stated and weird red head in front of you nodded playfully. You continued to look into the ground, because of embarrassment. You didn't expect to meet somebody from Semi's class yet.

"Well than, should we sit there~?"

He said in teasing way and you turned yourself to the bench in front of you. It didn't took even 10 seconds and you were already sitting on it and waiting if male was going to sit beside you. To tell the truth you hoped that he wouldn't and stayed next to the wall of gym, but luck wasn't on your side today and he started to walk towards bench with you sitting on it.

"I'm Tendou Satori ya know? Your brother's teammate and classmate!"

He stated happily and you nodded agreeing on what he just said.

"Yeah, i know..Semi told me something about you.."

You said, still your gaze was on the dirty ground of the school yard, not seeing excitement in his eyes as he made 'o' with his mouth expecting that Semi told you something cool about him.

"What he saiid, won't ya tell me y/n?"

He stated leaning closer to you as you pulled away from him, staring to his eyes as blush slowly appeared on your face.No one was ever this close to your face. It was really unusual and frustrating.

"Aa-h.. please keep the distance Tendou.."

You used your hands to cover his face and push him away what made him laugh and grab your arms slightly pulling them in the air for him to see how hopeless you looked. But this time it wasn't what he was seeing always when he blocked every spike of his opponent..

This eyes of yours made his eyes widen at the sight and let go of you immediately.

"Sorry, just teasin-"

you nodded and tried to proceed what just happened. It was indeed how Semi told you. He likes to tease everybody around him.

"u-uh..he said that you are annoying and hard to read.."

These words suddenly left your mouth as you slapped yourself mentally and covered your mouth.
You didn't talk to many people, so that's why you suck at conversations.

"I- i.. i didn't mean it like that! You are really friendl-"

You wanted to change subject but you heard him chuckle and that made you stop your words. His gaze was turning into tired stare. It scared you a little but, his smile didn't disappear from his lips.

"You are really cute ya know? Try some more Y/n! Now, c'mon we must go back i guess speech will be ending soon."

He said and you just stared at him..' he is so weird..but on the other side did he call me- ... this is awkward..'

You thought as your face reddened and you covered it again, because you didn't want for him to notice it. Even tho he already did.

You knew this person before Semi told you something like this about him. You saw him on TV.. how he played. How he could guess where and when ball would be in a match. His talent was breathtaking.

~ 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕨𝕖 𝕞𝕖𝕥 ~  ᴛᴇɴᴅᴏᴜ sᴀᴛᴏʀɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now