• the mission •

17 1 0

01/14/2030 |1⁰:1⁷pm| (if that matters, since we're up here) -

I live up here for quite some time now. Got here three months after moms accident. It was the hardest decision of my life, cause I had to leave my younger sister, my father and everyone I love down there behind. I don't regret it tho. Not at all. This is the place I belong. Space station Skansa522, is what I call home. Sharing with my astronomy/astrophysics teacher Amy, her boyfriend Jason, Professor Harbord and the rest of the team. Being up here, makes me feel like I'm close to my mum. Closer than I ever got to her on earth. It's like the earth isn't home anymore. If that make's any sense. Anyway, I'm turning 18 in a couple days- (1/27/2030) and when I am, I'm allowed to go out on real missions. Important and dangerous missions. (I've already done my A-Level btw. I skipped first and third grade.) There's a mission my mum always raved about. The Mars mission. How I like to call it since it's real name is way too complicated lmao..

The mission consists (or consisted) of taking samples of the planet, determining what living conditions are required, and now it's mainly about building a settlement. We don't know what effects the atmosphere has on human reproduction yet.. I guess Amy and Jason have to wait a little longer for their first child haha. But they would be in a good age for kids, or little Marsbabies haha

Amy: 27 y/o, on Skansa522 since 2025, amazing teacher ;) (has been down two times in between.)

Jason: 29 y/o, was my mums assistant on OrbitonT25B now he's the new leader. Is on Skansa522 since 2023 (has been down three times - first time, they went down and picked up Amy and other members.)

Amy and Jason fell in love immediately.
Lucky them, they have each other up there...

Amy: ,,Morniingg sweetheart." (she said as my door opened automatically)

I groaned. Even up here I'm not a morning person.

Me: ,,So, did you talk to Harbord if I could go to the mission with you guys?"

Professor Harbord: 52 y/o, dad, Aeronautics and space technology expert (Is on Skansas since it's alaive (since 2018. Skansas522 has 9 different Orbits btw), he has been down 5 times in between)

Amy: ,,Jason and I did, but once again he said he's not sure if you're made for that as your first long last mission..."

Me: ,,He doesn't believe I can do it, but it's the only thing I live for up here. I want to make my mums dream come true Amy."

Amy: ,,I know.. I'll try to persuade him. But what if you talk to him yourself?"

Me: ,,You think that could help?"

Amy: ,,I mean, he sees how bad you wanna go then-"


-After the talk with Harborn in the kitchen-

Jason: ,,Did you make it? haha"

Me: ,,I don't know, I think he's just worried that something will happen but I just recited him probably half an hour, of all the security precautions the mission covers." (I said grabbing an aplejuice drink pack sitting on the kitchen counter.)

Jason: ,,Well, I'm sure he's overthinking it. That's what your mother would want for you, and you're going to make her proud. I believe in you pumpkin." he said whilst patting my head. ,,I just hope he's making the right decision for you."

Me: ,,Thank's Jason.. at least I know there's one person that believes in me." (I said leaving the kitchen)

|Well not much longer than our first one but hope you dont mind. Promise the chapters will get better hehe|

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